As i had earlier predicted, i wasn't able to post for more than a month.. shooting finally started, and i officially entered the world of show biz.. and BOY did i feel like i was waaaayyy over my head..
i've worked in a movie in the past.. but i wasn't really given much responsibility at that time.. but now i'm 2nd A.D. for this one.. its not so much difficult than it is exhausting. My job delegation consists more of setting up the next location, dealing with the acting of the actors, and basically doing the legwork that the Director or the A.D. need done..
Imagine doing all that from 5 am to 5 am
the next day.
Though it is hard work.. i can safely say that i enjoy every minute of it.. and there's nothing else i'd rather be doing.. I learned alot of things too.. dealing with a powerhouse cast such as ours.. lots of different personalities.. it was very interesting..
One actress who is known for her Contrabida roles.. in real life has turned out to be one of the sweetest women you'll ever meet in your whole life.. which is funny because that was pretty much the trend for the whole cast.. we expected a bunch of prima donnas, but in actuality, we were quite fortunate to have such lovely people as our actors..
We are currently working on the trailer, and hopefully it will be out soon.. our release date is in november.. and we have two more shooting days.. including the final one on the 18th, where we will have a cast party.. i'll try to post some pics of that :)
That is the term alot of people have been saying to me recently.. its a joke i cracked about one of our actress'.. cuz she has everyone around her drooling when she passes by.. but she's only.. about.. umm.. i dunno.. 17? or was it 16?
ok fine she's 15, ok?
She came to the set on the first day, and refused to speak to anyone. i had met her before, since she was the sister of one of our talents (yes, an actress too), and had gained fame on one of those reality star search shows.. she seemed really suplada back then.. and she seemed really suplada now at the shoot.
Funny thing is.. at the second day of the shooting.. she was so talkative and so kulit.. next thing i know.. she and i are laughing and getting along great.. it seems i'm the only one she talks to or jokes around with.. so of course the guy around me react.. jailbait.. stuff like that.. hehe..
Hence the line...
but dont worry.. i wouldn't dare..
dude that just ain't right.. hehe