Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Out of My System

You know things have become sad in Sanity Lane, when i dont post in two weeks, and when i do, all i talk about is work.. its pretty hard when you work in a field that completely sucks you in.. ah.. well.. enough of that.. i will try not to write anything about work anymore.. except for free plugs of course hehe.. anyways.. no more excuses..

I saw the trailer to The Terminal! it looks so good.. Tom Hanks in what seems to be yet another stand out performance! lets face it.. the man could've starred in "Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol" and he would've found a way to bring you to tears.. throw in Steven Spielberg as the director, and Catherine Zeta Jones as the requisite Eye Candy, and you got a hit! well at least dreamworks hopes so..

i've seen the first episode of The Apprentice and its actually pretty good.. Trump doesn't make a bad host.. i'm gonna watch the rest as soon as i find the time, cuz my brother has been begging me to see it so he can talk about it with me.. Sounds like a cool premise and all.. i wouldn't mind the $250k yearly paycheck.. but i dont know if i'd really wanna work for trump... if it were spielberg or Lucas.. that's a different story.. hehe.. hhhmm.. now that's an idea...

Saw American Idol last night.. technically we're 3 weeks behind, but still its highly entertaining.. I'm rooting for George Huff.. cuz i dont know if ya'll are aware of it.. My boy George got cut from the first batch of 32, then just got thrown in as an after thought when the original choice, Donnie Williams, got a DUI on his record.. he then lost to Jasmine Trias during the eliminations of his batch, and got thrown into the top 12 as Simon's choice during the Wild Card round.. talk about resiliency, huh? The man has gotten better every week.. i dont think he's had a weak performance yet..

John Peter Lewis has seemed to have stagnated in terms of growth, which is sad cuz i wanted him to do well.. John Stevens hasn't had a good performance since his kick ass rendition of "King of the Road".. but even then he forgot the lyrics.. among the girls, every week i remain in awe of Fantasia.. i think its already unfair that she's in this competition.. she doesn't need this contest to get a recording deal.. and for those who are sad Camille got booted out.. no need to fret.. she's reportedly gonna get a record deal from Babyface..

if William Hung can get a record deal, why can't she, right?
When the Cat is Away..

You'd think that as soon as my boss left for the states, the office would be three whole weeks of partying.. dancing on the tables.. swinging from the chandeliers.. sadly, since he left me in charge, work has been ten trillion times more stressful than it usually is.. apparently "in charge" is sanskrit for, " if anything screws up, its your fault!!"

So Basically i'm in charge of two shows and two concerts and one fashion show for the next three weeks..

i'm trying to look at it optimistically.. if ya really think about it.. this is gonna be fun!
"if it helps you sleep at night.. keep telling yourself that", the voice in my says..

My boss Mr. M is in the states with his family.. Direk is in Italy for a filmfest.. so basically we're orphans.. anyways..


Before i go any further, i'd just like to say that We're having a show with Maui Taylor at Classmates at Quezon Ave. on May 5, then a show for Maricar De Mesa on May 26 at Air Force One.. ok i know what you're thinking.. "Classmates? Air Force One? aren't those places-" ok stop right there.. hehe.. the places are actually classy.. and yes, most probably a little hanky panky goes on behind closed doors.. but i dont judge.. hehe.. i'm there to make sure the show run as smoothly as possible, make sure our talent is well taken care of, then its done, i get paid, everyone is happy..

The concerts are still a long time away so i'm just trafficking the pre-prod.. so its not all that difficult yet.. the fashion show is getting on my nerves though.. its actually an underwear show for men on May 21.. this is for Dickies at Ratsky's Morato.. they got Troy Montero to Launch their underwear Line, and he happens to be one of our talents, so we managed to get the account to stage the show as well.. and as you probably figured out, i'm not too excited about it.. hehe..

so that's why i haven't been able to post for the past week.. got my hands really full at the moment..

Classmates.. Air Force.. i know.. its a tough job, but someone's gotta do it :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Catching Up

Ok so like i've said, things have completely changed since i last logged on... the most glaring changes would be, I found a great steady job, and i'm no longer with baby.. yeah.. i know.. it was hard for me to believe as well.. but i guess all good things must come to an end, right?

Anyways, work has been my life.. i started working with Direk again, but my main boss right now would be Mr. M. i'm no longer on track to be a Film Director.. sadly, my career path has seemed to be swayed to the producing side of entertainment.. i'm not as passionate about it, but the pay is not bad, so i just roll with the punches..

When i started work, things were really difficult.. basically i was the only employee of the company.. since everyone else would be hired on a freelance basis per project..
My first project was a VCD.. we came up with a sexy dramatic anthology series.. i handled the editing.. and well.. pretty much everything for it to get released.. we got the first edition out in the market, now we're waiting to see if.. with piracy and all.. a second edition would be feasible..

in the meantime, other projects kept me busy.. we did a whole bunch of concerts, including a series of shows in a famous.. well.. " Gentlemen's Club" hehe.. though i must admit working with beautiful women has its perks, the fact of the matter is, once you get started with the actual work, all that gets thrown out the window..

being unemployed for six months taught me the value of a paying job. this is my first job where i would be paid on a regular monthly basis, and you know what? i love it.. the feeling of security is a great thing.. knowing you have a little something coming in soon is very comforting..

The tragic thing about this, is that it took its toll on my personal life.. when u work in production, and under the employ of high caliber players in the entertainment biz, it takes alot out of you. it becomes your life. It wasn't fair to baby that i would keep her waiting when i would promise i would be there for her at a certain time, and well.. long story short, i couldn't give her the time she wanted or deserved..

Anyways.. on a lighter note.. i'm glad to be blogging again.. i truly missed it.. and this time, i promise, i'm here to stay..

Monday, April 12, 2004

The Sanity Lives On..

After a brief hiatus, i thought it was time to re-open the road in my life that was once called, " Sanity Lane".. Though much has changed since i last walked down this road.. As a person, i still pretty much remain the same..

i wont be able to add to this blog as much as i used to.. (7 posts in one day hehe).. but even with so much going on in my life right now, i'm still in search of an outlet for my deep dark thoughts.. thus, the lure putting up another blog was just too strong to resist..

The only thing i intend to do with this blog is say whatever's going through my mind when i wanna say it.. uncensored.. of course with the usual jokes that goes along with me being me..

Thank you to Anya and Kookaii for helping me set up the blog again.. thanks to Chuck to for joining the Blog Bandwagon, adding to my excitement to get back into the game..

just like before when i started with the first blog, this will be a work in progress.. so i'll add and subtract as i go along.. i kinda dont like the picture of the boy with the feather.. so i'm guessing i shouldn't have chosen a template called "A boy with his Feather"..

Anyways.. This is the start of a new beginning for me.. but guess what?

i'm back.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Sanity Lane is once again, Open for business.

Be Afraid. Be VERY Afraid.