Friday, May 28, 2004

Busy Bee Watch the world Go By...

So i've managed to squeeze in some time to blog.. we just finished two shows.. the Troy Montero Dickies Exposed fashion show and the Maricar De Mesa "In Bloom" Show at Air Force One.. we dont have a project until the second week of june.. so i'll be kinda free for a bit..

I haven't seen a movie in ages.. i think the last one i actually saw was "Something's gotta Give"... Haven't seen Hell Boy.. Passion of the Christ.. Van Helsing.. Shrek 2.. Troy.. The Day After Tomorrow.. Harry Potter..


and i call myself a "Film Buff".

I loathe Myself.

Have You Ever Danced With The Devil In The Pale MoonLight?

Pretend you had a chance to make money. An absurd amount. However, the person you'd be dealing with.. is someone that you know you dont like. in fact, you detest everything about him. you dont like the way he treats people.. particularly women..

But this person has the power to make your dreams come true. he can offer you the keys to the gates of heaven.. you want it badly.. but you know you wont feel good about yourself.. yet you're unsure why. he never did anything to you.. directly..
but the mere thought of him fuels this burning rage inside of you.. what would you do? Dealing with him would not result in anything immoral or illegal.. so whats the big deal, right?

ah.. well.. stay tuned..

Friday, May 07, 2004

The Road Worthy Man

I love my job. I really do. i'm not being sarcastic or anything like that.. or rubbing in the fact that i have a job that practically every straight man in this country would kill for. apart from directing films or commercials.. i seriously cannot think of anything else i'd rather be doing.

The only part of my job that i dislike, is when i am made to be one of the artists' road manager. i really really dont like it. again, many a alpha male would be envious of having to take Maui Taylor or Aubrey Miles out of town for a show.. but i seriously despise it. Take note, i stress "IT" Not them... All the artists we handle are quite nice.. i've only had a few run-ins with them having a "primadonna" attitude once or twice.. but nothing really out of this world that i couldn't handle.

Its just the thought that i have so much to do in the office.. i have to drop it to go out of town to just.. well.. sit on my ass and watch the artist do whatever he or she needs to do.. i didnt spend six years in college to become someone's glorified yaya...

umm.. i dont think im supposed to be proud of the "six years in college" part hehe

By Land, Sea & Air

Last friday, After going to Batangas with Aubrey for a campaign motorcade from 3pm-9pm.. six hours on a "float".. (and i use the term "float" lightly... it was more like a Kariton with a motor in it) we went straight to Laguna where she performed one song.. we got back to civilization by around midnight.. after that... i thought my days as a road manager had come to and end because we have so much deadlines to meet.. apparently i was wrong..

On May 5, we had a show for Maui at Classmates.. was a good show.. her boob popped out of her top only once so that's gotta be a record.... we ended around 2pm.. unfortunately for me, i live in antipolo.. so i got home around 3.. from there, i packed my bags, and headed straight to the airport, where i met up with Troy Montero. We left for cebu at 7 am.. then from cebu, we left for leyte by boat at 11am.. we got to leyte at 1pm.. then had an hour long road trip to whatever town it was called.. rested from 3 pm to 4 pm, then we headed off to the gym for the rally.. where troy was the surprise guest of the governor.. we were there till about midnight.. left at 5 am for the port.. left for cebu at 8.. got there around 10.. was in mactan airport by 11.. left by 12.. got to manila by 1:30 or so..

Man, i'm getting tired just reading the sked again..

Mr. Cellophane

I've acted as road manager a few times already, and i've noticed that the person that gets the wildest reaction from the crowd, isn't Maui or Aubrey.. it isn't even Ara. its actually Troy that gets the crowd going insane.. and as living proof that life is not fair, they assign ME to act as his "bodyguard". (picture Danny De Vito hired as the body guard for Arnold Schwarzeneger.. makes sense? i didnt think so!) Lo and behold, I got trampled on by screaming horde of 13 year old girls.. sniff.. those tiny fists of fury still haunts me to this very day.. its not funny.. coulda happened to anyone..

Troy in real life, is a very nice guy.. nothing to complain about.. he's nice.. courteous to everyone.. accomodating to all his fans.. and the girls just die for him.. so in short, yes, i hate the man.. hehehe..

I'm kidding.. we get along well.. but the only problem is that.. when we go around and stuff.. i've never felt so ugly in my whole life.. its like people.. well.. women in particular.. dont realize that i exist! and you know what? i dont need help giving women reasons to not realize i exist.. i think i've done an excellent job on , thank you very much!

ok.. AGAIN, i dont think i was supposed to be proud of that.. hehe

Mister cellophane
Should have been my name
Mister cellophane
'cause you can look right through me
walk right by me
And never know I'm there. . .

Sunday, May 02, 2004


I got my first hate text this week.. and it said..


Mildly amused, i decided to text back " its spelled "Asshole".. get it right next time.. ASSHOLE"

the texter replied, " HAHA, i lyk like that. keep it up! take care always!"

Not to be out done, i replied as politely as i could.. " speak in tagalog nalang cuz your english confuses me. anyway, i will always take care, thanks.."

the texter then answered back, " funny k h! Okay lets see wat happen! cute mo tlaga!bye :)"

after that, i would've let it go.. but apparently i found out that the same number was also texting another friend of mine.. saying really awful stuff.. and the texter seemed to know who i was.. and what was weirder was, the texter seemed to be a girl.. but then as i think back, considering she said "cute mo talaga", i was kinda relieved hehe..

so then i invited her to my office told her to come on down and that i was waiting.. she replied asking why i'm so mad and stuff.. i said i wasn't mad at all.. i just found this texting childish.. if she has anything to say she can say it to my face.. so i said...

" come on i'll just be here. dont be shy. kung wala ka pang commute, sabihin mo lang sa akin. ako na magbabayad.. bilis habang may jeep pa! ;)"

sadly after that, my texter did not reply.. hasn't replied since.. think i hit a soft spot? hehe dunno.. dont care

who is it, you ask? i'm not sure.. i called up my ex to ask if it was her.. and she had no idea what i was talking about.. and i believe her.. it was someone who obviously did not speak english as a first language..

i kinda do know who it is.. some girl who got busted by her girlfriend cuz of something i said to someone.. long story.. she was having an affair with this girl online.. they met up.. girl meets girl.. one thing led to another.. girl's girlfriend goes out of town.. blah blah.. hehe

in a way, i'm kinda flattered that someone would go out of their way to buy a sim just to cuss me out.. kinda touching ain't it? in some sick, demented way.. sniff.. i feel so special.. hehe...

in case you're curious to find out, her number is 09172744478


I met up with XKWZT last week.. marking the first time i met from someone from bloggerville.. we talked about possible tie ups between her company and mine.. many possibilities... i'm most proud of the fact that i managed to meet up with her, without charm or kooks to hide behind.. hehe.. so who's next? Celine? Lauren? Clare? Toes? hehe
The Walking Bullseye

Had a really tough week.. for the first time in seven months working in the office, i actually thought of quitting.. for some odd reason, with both my bosses out of the country, i've become resident scapegoat.. i got blamed for everything fromt the fax machine breaking down, to why the assistant road manager could not get a taxi cab.. cool huh? oh well.. such is life..

anyway.. no more work talk...

A week ago today, i was in Enchated Kingdom.. i was given four free tickets last year when i was working for my cousin's paper, and it had to be used by May so i decided to go with my family.. i hadn't been there in years, so i was looking forward to it.. apart from getting away from work.. i was actually kinda worried about how the place would look after all these years.. was thinking that maybe it was poorly maintained.. no people.. stuff like that.. i was pleasantly surprised to find out i was wrong.. the place is still quite remarkable.. i love the Rio Grande ride, even though i did get drenched.. hehe..

before the night ended, we went to the arcade that was virtually empty.. me, my bro and Louie headed for those cheesey carnival games.. the ring toss, the milk can shoot, the basketball ring, and the big mouth clown game.. and all of a sudden, people wanted in on it too.. i swear i should've charged commission hehe.. i guess, in typical filipino fashion, they were afraid to look silly playing those games, then all of a sudden, in comes three guys, who could make a living on looking silly, and all of a sudden it wasn't so bad.. hehe..

the only thing that pissed me off was that i was too late for the caramel apples.. i got there 10 mins too late.. sniff..

all in all it was fun.. i think i need days like these to help me get through the week..