Friday, July 30, 2004

The Book Worm

One of my New Year's Resolutions this year was to read more.. you see, i've never been much of a reader.. (pretty ironic for someone who likes to write, dontcha think?) Ok, i've read the all ten installments of the Belgariad and Mallorean series by David Eddings.. as well as the sequels it spawned afterwards, "Belgarath The Sorcerer " and " Polgara The Sorceress ".. And i managed to read the first two books of "The Lord of the Rings", not to mention all five books of Harry Potter.. And i gotta say, two of the coolest, and most underrated books i've ever read has been "I Am Legend" by Richard Matheson, and "The List of Seven" by Mark Frost. Both seriously kick ass..

Anyway, I took a look at the first two New Year's resolutions i drew up..

1. Lose Weight
2. Read more

Making sure i fulfill at least ONE.. i decided to go with the more attainable choice..
One my way home, i passed by "A Different Bookstore" in Eastwood.. (and yes, i passed by Haggen Daz too.. effectively diminishing any chance i might have had of fulfilling resolution #1)

Being that i hadn't read a book since "Order of the Phoenix", and the "Half Blood Prince" didn't have a release date yet, i decided to go for something along those lines.. i had read in CNN about a book that they reviewed to be comparable to Potter.. but i couldn't seem to find it anywhere here in the Philippines.. fortunately, A Different Bookstore lived up to its name, and i walked out with a copy of "The Thief Lord" by Cornelia Funke.

It was quite good, however it was dwarfed by the Juggernaut that is Harry Potter.. (an unfair comparison though, because they dont have very much in common) so when i was done, i was looking for something else to whet my newly found appetite for literature. Proud that for the first time in ages i was able to read something that didn't bear the initials " F", "H" and "M" on the cover, i headed back to "A Different Bookstore".

I browsed around, looking for something that would captivate me.. something that i would totally be engrossed with.. since i hadn't read a book that kept me mesmerized in a long time..

Then i bought the Da Vinci Code.

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is by far one of the BEST books i have ever read. Every page had my heart pounding.. and Dan Brown knows exactly when to end the chapter, leaving you hanging on the edge of your seat.. the revelations the book made, were simply astonishing.. even if it were just fiction.. you can tell the man went through great lengths to make this novel a masterpiece.. in tagalog.. "Kinareer".. hehe

Now i'm at a loss.. i dont know what to read next.. what can top this?

sigh.. any suggestions?

Sunday, July 25, 2004

I Finally got to watch the pilot episode of the much awaited spin off from "Friends".. AND I WAS NOT DISSAPOINTED!
Of course i'm biased, cuz i'm a huge fan of Friends.. (i even have the trivia game.. yes i'm a dork, i know) but still.. the pilot of "Joey" proved that Mr. Tribiani can hold a show on his own..
I'll be the first to admit that the chemistry of the cast isn't as tight... yet.. but what do you expect from the first episode, right?  Save for the girl playing Joey's love interest, Ashley Scott (Huntress on "Birds of Prey").. i found the characters of Drea de Matteo (Sopranos) who plays Joey's sister, and Paulo Constanzo (Road Trip), who plays her son, quite promising.. they both seemed to play off Matt Le Blanc really well.. The episode had moments where we were nearly on the floor cracking up.. i'm looking forward to seeing the whole season.. we'll find out Joey fares without his old "Friends" when the show premieres this September..
all i can say is that.. me? i'm sold!

Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
May 2005

Saturday, July 03, 2004


Marlon Brando


Friday, July 02, 2004

Here Comes The SpiderMan

I've been really busy for the past few weeks- hhmm.. does every one of my posts start with that line?

anyway.. i've been really busy for the past few weeks.. managed to finish the big anniversary show of Air Force One, as well as a concert in Music Museum.. both were quite well received so i can say i got through it alive.. but barely..

technically, with only one project (so far)allotted to me this month, not to mention the fact that we got another person adept at the field of production management (Thank god), my load is much lighter..

as the lovely Kookaii graciously pointed out.. i have been remiss in my posting.. i knew from the start that i wouldn't have the time to post the way i used to.. but i never thought i'd be this delayed..

my only free day is sunday.. and i've been able to catch up on some films from my previous post.. i've seen HellBoy (ok), The Day After Tomorrow (ho hum), Troy (so-so), Shrek 2 (Hilarious!) Starsky & Hutch (nah),
Kill Bill 2 (good,but the First one was much Better), among others..

I've seen a few episodes of "Queer Eye for the straight guy", and i loved it.. its hilarious.. for those of you who dont know what it is, its a reality show, where five gay men who specialize in five different fields... (Fashion, grooming, food and wine, home and decor,arts and culture) take this average joe who wrote in, and give him a full makeover, much to the delight of his significant other.. hehe.. they take these guys that look like Yeti's and turn them into super studs.. they even go as far as remodel their house.. the amazing thing about it is that they do it all in one day.. the results are fun to watch.. check it out when you get the chance..

I was really stoked to hear about the coming of the 6th book of Harry Potter.. which will be titled "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" ... No news about when its coming out, but just hearing the title brings chills up my spine.. i've also been hearing rumours about Ralph Fiennes playing Valdermort.. i think he would've been a great Sirius Black, but he's so kick ass, he'd be a great Valdemort..

About Prisoner of Azkhaban.. i didn't hate it the way chucky did.. but it wasn't as Kick Ass as i had hoped it would've been.. for me, the most glaring thing that i didnt like about it, was Dumbledore.. i dont think anyone could ever beat the late, great, Richard Harris in my book..

Anyway, i hope to be able to post again this weekend.. i hope this clears the cobwebs a little bit.. speaking of which... i'm watching spiderman on sunday!!
