Friday, November 18, 2005


We had a nice family reunion the other day.. here's a shot of my Kuya Pao and Kuya Mig..

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hehe.. Kidding.. Pao actually just went up to him in a bar at Cebu to introduce himself.. and he told him that they were related.. true to form, Mig seemed like a really nice guy, and even bought Pao a beer.. thats why from here on end, Pao wants to be known as "The guy who Mig Ayesa bought a beer".

(Btw, he was on the phone with his sis.. my cuz Patty who was screaming her head off once Pao made him talk to her on the phone.)

btw... you all have to see the new SUPERMAN RETURNS TEASER TRAILER
The Goblet ROCKS!!

Man i've been itching to get to a computer to write about this..


I was really happy when i found out that Director Mike Newell was going to helm it, i was relieved they finally got a British director.. simply because i felt, that no matter how much i enjoyed the first three movies.. the directors wernt able to capture the brit humour that has helped make the books so lovable.. But i was also a little bit worried because i'm not sure Newell had done any movie that required effects.. When i asked direk erik.. he said he was positive Newell could pull it off..

And how!

He got it down pat.. ESPECIALLY the humour.. The first two movies had a more kiddie feel to it.. which i can understand cuz Harry was still a boy.. the third one was good.. but it concentrated more on the dark tone.. especially with the dementors.. The story just moved nicely along from point A to point B and so forth.. but the fourth one had the perfect blend of comedy, action, and had the "Kilig Factor"..

My niece went crazy during the bath scene of Harry.. it was hilarious cuz she was trying hard not to scream.. hehe

I think Ron stole the show though.. from his very first line of "Bloody Hell" when he woke up, practically every line he delivered was a crack up.. especially the part where he was trying on his "Dress Robes".. hehe

Ralph Feinnes was good as Valdemort.. more creepy than truly evil though.. but in the minimum exposure he had, he made the most of it.. but i still feel that he would've been better as Sirius Black. I'm honestly not too keen on Gary Oldman playing the role.. he seems a bit too hyper.. i always pictured Sirius as calm and collected.. more of a man's man type.. anyways..

oh and i dont think they casted Fleur properly.. there are some angles where she does look pretty.. but nothing boombastic if ya know what i mean.. i know Chuck had no qualms with the casting of Krum hehe

All in all, i think it was by far the BEST of the whole series.. it really kicked ass.. i hope newell directs Part 5.. he earned the job if ya ask me

Oh and if you watch in Eastwood, you can't enter the theater without moo fries and honey garlic chicken wings from Tizzer's..

thats just wrong

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

R & R

I don't think there was anyone else on the planet that was looking more forward to the past holiday break than i was.. i was able to get a great deal from the Mandarin so i stayed there for two nights.. and i dunno.. there's something about that bed that really did me in.. once you lie down, it just really sucks you in.. next thing you know, you wake up hours later.. or i could just soak in the tub for hours.. or sit on the huge lounge chair and read a good book (I finally finished angels and demons)..

It was great.. for practically two whole days.. living the life, and not having a care in the world.. just me and my girl..

Then i got the bill, and crashed back to reality.. hehe but it was worth every cent :)

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This past two weeks, i've been catching up with my TV series watching.. i found an awesome place to buy american series'.. even ongoing ones.. the best new one i've seen so far is Prison Break, starring Wentworth Miller, the dude in the Mariah Carey Video "We Belong Together".. the guy makes my girl drool so i try not to watch it when she's around hehe.. kidding..

It's really good.. no spoilers here.. but if you like action thrillers in the mold of 24, you'll like this..

I've been watching the first 5 episodes of the second season of Desperate housewives, Lost, and Joey.. and i got the first season of Entourage which i heard was great.. so i'm looking forward to that.. i also like "My Name Is Earl" starring Jason Lee who i've always thought was hilarious..

Talk about making the most out of my free time, huh?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Pop Quiz


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Was hoping for Neo but apparently he wasn't a greek god hehe...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Movie Mania

After my davao project, i had a lot of free time on my hands.. especially since we didnt push through with the Bicol-Penafrancia event we were supposed to hold.. so they sent me to Bacolod to scout for our next event this coming october.. incidentally thats where i'm posting from..

I'm at Gaisano right now.. bored as hell.. waiting for the Cebu Pacific 6:45 flight for manila.. anyways, prior to my trip here, i had a lot of down time.. i was able to finish the second season of Arrested Development.. and i loved it!

Apart from that, i was able to catch up with my movie watching.. and i'm so glad i did..

First off.. i watched Sky High

If you haven't watched this movie yet, you officially suck. The movie is awesome. i was shocked i loved it as much as i did.. because i had never seen the trailer.. i just read a review from a guy that usually gets my taste.. so i was optimistic.. It turns out the movie was everything i had dreamnt of when i was a kid.. having super powers.. going to a school of heroes.. the way it was executed was perfect..

Though it's a Disney film, Disney was smart enough to realize that they had a bigger market than kids.. and the result was a movie that people of all ages could appreciate.. The jokes were hilarious and witty.. and the action sequences were cool.. My favorite line was Will Stronghold's... (masterfully played by Will and Grace's Michael Angarano)

"Surprised? So am I."

Next i watched The Longest Yard

Same Adam Sandler formula.. same hilarious results.. especially since they added Chris Rock into the mix.. my favorite though was Kevin Nash playing the Estrogen charged prison guard.. who woulda thought the feared wrestler once known as Diesel would play femininity so well?

Finally.. i watched Crash

I don't cry during movies.. really i dont.. the last time a movie made me well up was "Life is Beautiful".. but even then i didn't tear.. But Crash is something else.. This is most probably the best movie i have seen in a long time. I've watched it twice.. and twice i was brought to tears.. Not the bawling like a baby type, mind you.. hehe (defensive, ba?)but i actually felt a lump in my throat and the tears in my eyes..

The writing was amazing.. the ensemble cast seamlessly fit into each others lives one way or another.. Sandra Bullock showed another side to her acting.. proving she isn't just Ms. Congeniality..

You gotta see this movie.. i would be shocked if this was over looked by the Academy for next year..

Other special mention movies:

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind & Miracle

I loved em both.. just too lazy to write a review hehe

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


The number one question i get asked when i tell people i work in the field of Entertainment, is "What stars have you worked with??" and "Are you friends with any of them??"... the truth is.. i've worked with many stars.. but i'm not really friends with any of them.. and thats pretty much by choice. I've seen careers go awry because of ruined friendships with stars.. so i try not to talk to them apart from work.. there are two actors.. TJ and BJ who i met before they were actors.. i don't really keep in touch with either of them anymore.. just due to circumstances..

But today, i intend to show everyone just a few of the biggest stars that i work with on an everyday basis.. starting with MR. O:

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Mr. O..

doesn't ring any bells? you gotta be kidding me..

i'm sure you recognize him in his star making role in the Academy Award winning film..

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Cool huh?

Next up is Ms. A

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This import from China also rose to fame in the movie "THE INCREDIBLES", which made use of her.. umm.. "fiery" personality..

Maybe this will help you jog your memory...

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See what i mean?

Now we move on to BUDDHA..

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One of the greatest character actors our generation has ever seen.. his powerful performances in one of cinemas most epic trilogies was stuff of legend..

Here he is on the set.. in one of his "method acting meditation internalization modes"

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Last but not the least, we have ARIEL..

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This man-mountain scored two straight hits with his debut movie and it's sequel.. which was the highest grossing movie of 2004.. who is he?

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There ya go.. that's a day in the life.. the people i work with.. pretty cool, huh?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Charlie & The Chocolate Factory

i'm a big fan of the first film.. i still watch it again up to now.. but all i can say after having watched the movie last sunday is..


Deep Roy, the dude that played the Ooompa Loompa's stole the show! He was hilarious! not to mention Johnny Depp being on the top of his game.. Charlie.. played by Freddie Highmore, was fantastic as the likeable Charlie.. he rocked in Finding Neverland so i knew he'd be good in this..

i reallllllllyyyyy loved the film.. and im pleased with how Tim Burton manage to Burtonesque it without out massacre-ing it at the same time..

if ya haven't seen it yet... what the heck are ya waiting for????

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Got some goodies for all you potter-philes out there..

introducing the girl that will be despised by every teenage girl and (even some adult women) in the world today...

Katie Leung is CHO CHANG

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She's ok i guess.. coulda been someone prettier.. i heard Heart Evangelista tried out for the role but wasn't accepted cuz they wanted someone unknown.. they shoulda looked for a young Kristen Kreuk hehe

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I found it kinda creepy when they showed the trailer of "Goblet of Fire" and the girl behind me, right after they showed the close up of Harry, and she goes, "oh my god, Harry is so PAPA!" not sure what that meant exactly.. just found it weird cuz he's a kid.. then they showed the close up of Hermione at the ball.. then all of a sudden i knew EXACTLY what she meant hehe

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There's been some buzz about whether GOB will show the scene of Harry in the bath with the egg.. hehehe.. i know my niece is waiting for it..

The Others

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Mad Eye Moody

After reading the sixth book.. i'm totally psyched for the next movie.. it really sucks that we prolly have to wait another two years for the finale..


Now that i've finished Desperate housewives, i have no idea what to watch next.. i gotta say that i really enjoyed DH! For some reason i thought i wouldn't.. i guess after watching 24 and Lost, it was nice to watch something lighter for a change.. of course i didn't know it would get darker and darker..

So now i'm waiting for the 2nd season of lost, desperate and arrested development..

till then.. darna? hehe

Saturday, July 23, 2005

On June 30, 2006.. Once Again, You Will Believe A Man Can fly...

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This is the final logo for Brian Singer's "SuperMan Returns".. Looks pretty cool.. was never really a fan of Superman but i am a Brian Singer fan.. even though i'm dissapointed he ditched the X Men Franchise he so masterfully built, i am confident this movie will kick ass..

Getting Desperate

I finshed the first season of LOST last week.. i said i wouldn't watch it untill it was out on DVD cuz i dont think i could wait a week for every episode so i just marathon it.. (I'm spoiled that way hehe).. thats a habit i learned from watching 24.. but i have an eerie feeling it began with my frustration with "SLAM DUNK".. the only Anime i ever got addicted to.. hehe

Now i'm watching Desperate Housewives, and its really really good.. i'm on the 6th episode and i've been enjoying.. i wish they changed the title to something more masculine sounding.. so that when i mention that i watch it to other people, it doesn't sound too embarrassing hehe..

Long Lost Relative!?

My brother called me up the other day to tell me that he found out.. i didn't bother to ask how.. that we're related to the half-filipino contestant in INXS: Rockstar, Mig. Apparently his great grandmother and my great grandfather were brother-sister.. cool but i'm still not rooting for him.. hehe..

there's actually a lot of talent on that show.. the black guy with the mohawk.. jordis.. and i forgot the other names... but they're all pretty good..

now if i could just stop forgetting to watch the show hehe..

Saturday, July 16, 2005


And the first person in line at National Bookstore Sta. Lucia is....

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Someone even tried to cut in front of me.. psshhh.. that noisy li'l kid never knew what hit him ..

(I'm kidding)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

More than meets the Eye...

I did a triple backflip when i logged on to the net and saw that one of my favorite cartoons of all time will finally be shown as a live action movie!
(hurt my butt though.. i didn't say it was a perfect backflip)

after 21 years.. (holy crap i'm old) The Transformers will finally come to the big screen!

July 4, 2007! mark your calendar folks!!!

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The movie will be directed by Michael Bay.. whom i'm not too keen of.. but i think he'd be a more or less good fit for the material.. was hoping for John Woo though..

Anyways, i hope its good.. and they better use Peter Cullen as the voice of Optimus Prime!! i heard rumours it would be George Clooney.. nothing against Clooney.. he would've been a good choice had Peter Cullen never existed...

Keep your fingers crossed!

Monday, July 11, 2005

The Month that was

Greetings and Salutations, visitors of Sanity Lane.. its been awhile since i've been able to post.. a combination of laziness when free and a busy sked when working will do it to ya every time.. right now i'm in between projects.. so i don't really have my hands full..

after i got back from Palawan, the next day i had to direct a concert for Araw Ng Maynila.. featuring the Brown Man Revival, Troy Montero, Session Road, and Hale.. i was pretty surprised with how popular Hale is.. the women went bonkers over the singer.. but the thing is.. the guy looked like he just got out of bed.. even one of the girls i was working with was gushing on how good looking the singer was.. i dunno.. i dint see it.. but i will admit that they are a really good band..

It was nice seeing a band and singers that actually take time to write new songs.. instead of rummaging through their old tape collection and seeing what they could rip off.. It seems like Nina, for all her popularity only does remakes.. Same goes for Kyla.. Even MYMP.. but i gotta admit, i do like their version of "Tell me where it hurts" after seeing them perform it live on myx.. Even movies nowadays.. i'm curious whats the last movie title that showed that wasn't A) based on an old cheesy love song, or B) spoofed from an old movie..

very disapointing..

Gluttony Is Thy Name

I've been on a Mcdonalds trip.. i've actually gone 8 STRAIGHT DAYS of eating Mcdonalds for either lunch or dinner.. or.. umm... Midnight snack.. hehe..

after 8 days i've found the perfect meal that caters to my taste, and it costs less than 100 bucks, and can be achieved in Four easy steps..

Sanity Lane is Proud to Present...

The Sanity Burger!

Step 1:

Take any burger from Mcdonalds at rip the top off. I've tried it with practically every burger there, (Mc Chicken, Fillet o Fish, Quarter Pounder, Etc) but the winner hands down, would definitely have to be the Double CheeseBurger.

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Step 2:

Take some of the BBQ sauce.. the one usually used for nuggets (five bucks a pop) and pour it the beef.

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Step 3: Grab a handful of french fries and lay it on the burger patty..

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Step 4: Slap the top bun back on the burger, and lightly press it down, allowing the BBQ Sauce to spread with the fries..

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and Viola! you're set! hehe..

All this posting has gotten me hungry.. i'm off to Mcdonalds.. hehe...

Bon Apetit!

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Friday, July 01, 2005


The Trailer of RENT is out!

Check out NOW!!!

I'm generally pleased with what i saw.. but.. i expected it to be a bit darker.. i loved the scene where they're on stage singing seasons..

Check it out and lemme know what ya think!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Onward you move regardless of plan... You, My friend, are a road worthy man..

I'm gonna be gone for a week..going to Palawan to fix up an event we'll be having there next week.. meaning i wont be able to watch batman begins...sniff...

anyways.. laters :)

Friday, June 03, 2005

Check out the teaser of DA VINCI CODE.. looks super cool! I really hope they remain true to the book...

i'm so sleepy.. its not funny how sleepy i am.. but its only 12:30 pm.. yes.. PM..

must remind myself that sloth is one of the seven deadly sins..

not helping... *yawn*

oh yeah and.. i find out i'm destined to be a sith lord!

You were destined to have a Red Lightsaber.

Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is
associated with energy, war, danger, strength,
power, and determination as well as passion and
desire. You have seen the Strength and Power of
the Dark Side of the Force and have you thirst
for more of it.

What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

is that the coolest thing or what?

Friday, May 27, 2005

Gadget of the month

*Disclaimer: Writer tends to gush when really excited about something*

Actually, "Gadget of the next two years".. hehe.. i finally got my phone!

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The Nokia 6680

After having a revolving door for a cellphone for the past few months.. i finally got the phone i've been waiting for! I'm really glad i decided to wait and not get the Nokia 6630 when it came out.. i was thisclose to getting it.. but Miss P from my office.. as she always does... got it before i did.. thus bursting my bubble once again.. (she's done it with the 6600 & 7610)

Since my trusty old Nokia 3650 died in Iloilo (of natural causes), i've been using Nokia models 6610, a 3310, an 8250, a 6150,a 6600 and a 6230.. all were someone elses phone not being used.. i didn't wanna commit to a phone till i found the one i really wanted.. so when i saw the Nokia 6680, i immediately fell in love..

I know i'll be kicking myself cuz i didn't wait for the Nokia N Series to come out, but that'll still be at the end of the year.. luckily for me, my addict subscription was due so i just had to add a little more to get the phone.. and i'm loving it!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

American Idol: Season 4 *YAWN*

It was a shame seeing what started out to be such a promising season of American Idol, turn into a complete snorefest. With the strongest crop of guys ever seen in the competition, it came as a shock that the final 3 left only one guy standing.. with talents such as Bo, Constantine, Anwar, and Mario Vasquez having entered the top 12, and the only standout female being Carrie Underwood, i honestly believed that would be the top 5..

Alas, it was not meant to be.. we all know what happened to Mario, Anwar and Constantine.. and now, you have an American Idol that showed very little.. if any personality.. There is no doubt she could sing.. but in leyman's terms.. "Walang Dating"..

Carrie's performance of "Alone" was one of the top 5 performances of the year.. but after that, no performance of hers blew me away.. not like Bo did practically every show..nevertheless, kudos to her.. she was the first idol to win, without ever reaching the bottom three..

In a poll of readers' favorite American Idol, voters overwhelming selected Bo Bice. He had 62% of the vote, while Underwood received 38% of the vote. About 57,000 readers voted

from his very first rendition of "Drift Away".. Till his landmark acapella performance of "In A Dream"... Bo Bice made sure that, win or lose.. He will be the Idol you will remember.

Sanity Lane Awards Night

Dissapointment of the season

Anwar Robinson- For some reason Mr. Robinson just did not live up to the promise that his first audition showed.. after two great performances in the prelims("Moon River" and "What a Wonderful World") out of three ("What's going on" was just above average).. Anwar did not have a single stand out performance during his tenure in the top 12.. in fact, he's lucky he didn't get cut after his "Ain't Nobody" and "I Believe i can fly" numbers..

Runner Up:

Mario Vasquez quits... I honestly believe he could've won it..

Shocker of the season

What was more shocking.. Constantine getting ousted after his first and only bad performance since the top 12 started.. or Scott Savol wasn't even in the bottom three during that week?

Runner Up:

Anthony Federov outlasted them both. (Miracle voice all right)

Most Annoying Idol Ever

Michaela Gordon's voice was a cross between Fran Drescher and a psycho chipmunk on speed. everytime i heard her talk or sing, i felt like ripping my arm off just so i'd have something to beat her with.

Runner Up:

Scott Savol using his sob story about his mom and dad every chance he could get.. kinda got old after awhile

So anyways... hopefully we'll have a better American Idol season next year.. this one was really.. "Blah"..

i'm currently watching the second season of American Idol.. the one Ruben won.. and finally finished the first season of Arrested Development..

plus i found a place that sells old episodes of Takeshi's Castle.. WITHOUT Anjo Yllana and Smokey Manoloto.. it's so frickin' hilarious! i love that show!

Now THAT'S Entertainment!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

My Angel

Have you ever met a woman who inspires you to love... Until your very essence is filled with her? You inhale her. You taste her.
You see your unborn children in her eyes, and know that your heart has at last found a home.
Your life begins with her, and without her it will surely end.

Happy Birthday My Angel

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Monday, May 16, 2005

My Stupid Mouth

It was the start of the new year, and he had just broken up with his girlfriend of four years on the day after his birthday. after four years of constant fighting, he had finally had enough and for the first time in their relationship, HE initiated the break up. "Me: 1 - She: 1,343", was the count he remembered to himself.. nearly a week had passed since that fateful day of their separation.. and she was still playing hardball.. thinking that he'd be running back to her.. as he always did.. "not this time", he thought to himself.. "this is different"..

He headed off to the bank to cash in some checks he had forgotten to do the week before.. he sat in line at the bank, knowing he'd be in for a long wait.. "Today won't be a good day.." he said.. he hated mondays with a vengeance, but he didn't mind waiting in the bank cuz of Amy,the awfully cute bank teller that just started working there a couple of months ago. Amy didn't look like your typical bank teller.. she was obviously fresh out of college, had braces on, and had that slight mestiza look.. so you couldn't really tell where she was from.. she had a warm, loving smile everytime she saw him.. ok, fine... a "polite" smile.. and maybe it was for all the bank clients.. but still..

"she's fresh out from college.. so am i.. the age gap shouldn't be so big.." he thought to himself with an excited smile on his face.. of course the ever present voice spoke up as it always did, " but i don't think she spent seven years in college, moron.. so the age gap is huge."

of course it didn't really matter.. he's always been "torpe".. he never spoke to amy about anything before cuz of his jealous girlfriend... that one time he DID try speaking to her, he accidentally spat on the check while saying something.. causing the ink to blot his name out, leading to him needing his bosses countersignature before he could encash it..

but this was different.. this was the first time he saw her as a single man.. a "dashing debonaire bachelor".. "Think Cary Grant... Clark Gable.. Robert Redford" He said to himself.." Redford White you mean".. The voice shot back..

Amy then called out his name.. he liked the sound of her voice.. he loved the way he said his name.. had a nice ring to it.. " Are you gonna ask her out?" the voice inquired.. "Yes-no-...maybe? I don't know.. it would seem kinda inappropriate don't ya think?" The voice replied,"Maybe.. but then again, asking for her number isn't really a horrible crime.."

"Exuse me Sir", Amy said in her soft silky voice.. " Can i get your phone number?"

His heart stopped. his throat went dry all of a sudden.

"Say something smooth, man! you can do it!" the voice cheered him on, in obvious disbelief as well... He was by no means a hunk or a stud... a beautiful girl asking for his number was a rarity.. he can't remember the last time a girl asked for a number simply because it never happened before..

he cleared his throat, woke up from his daze and said " oh yeah! sure! definitely! can i get yours too? I've been meaning to ask you for quite sometime but-"

Amy smiled and bit her lip as he rambled on and on.. it looked as if she was trying with all her might not to laugh.. and losing that battle..

"No sir-", she interrupted..." i need to write your phone number at the back of your check.. you need to endorse it before i can encash it" she said with a beaming smile.

"ok... Pants? Meet shit.", the voice says.

"Oh. ooh. ooooohh my god.. i'm sorry!" he said, wishing that it was possible to hide under the counter and never be seen ever again. " I thought.. i was.. i.. " He wisely gave up the function of "speaking" and simply wrote the necessary details on the check and handed it back.. "I'm sorry" he said.. shaking his head.. "This is not a good day",he mutters under his breath..

Amy returned moments later with his money, still with that beaming smile that could turn sand into glass.. "Here you go, Sir... would there be anything else?", she says with a twinkle in her eye

"No.. No thank you.. " he said.. unable to make eye contact.. practically staring at the floor.. he headed out the door.. and as soon as he got out.. he slapped himself on the forehead.. "nice one, Einstein".. "Don't be too hard on yourself.. i misunderstood her as well.." the voice said sympathetically.. "Yeah but don't you see? i should've realized this right away! things like this don't usually happen to me.." "You'll never know man.. you're a single guy now... first time in for years for you to be on the market.."

"Excuse me... Sir...?" a voice rang through the background... That same silky voice.. he turned around.. Lo and behold, it was Amy.. "Oh Hi.. I was just-" he said.. realizing he was ill prepared for this situation.. he did not know what the continuation of that sentence would be...

with a slight giggle, she said " Sir, this is My Calling Card.. feel free to call me if you have any problems..Umm...Sir?"

He could not believe his ears.. "Sorry," he said.. shaking his head trying to wake from the daze.. " she laughed and said " Do you have a card, sir?"

"No.. No i don't.. but.. i'll get your number here and just text you.. how does that sound?" He said in a language that can only be described as half english and half "ummmaa-ummmaaa"...

"Great! I'll be waiting!" She says. As she turns around to go back into the bank, He quickly calls her out.."Amy!" he yells.. she turns around a bit startled.. "Don't call me 'Sir'", he says with a slight laugh.. She turns around again,with an obvious smile on her face leaving him still trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Score one for the smoothie", the voice said..

"Wow", he said with a smile... "Today is a Good Day..."

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Your Icecream Flavour is...
French Vanilla!
You're a smooth and silky suave type! You exude class and you believe in tradition. A classical taste who doesn't like things to be too flashy or showy. Climb the Eiffel tower of taste with a spoonfull of you! Oui Oui!
What is your Icecream Flavour?

Find out at Go Quiz

i'm a "smooth and silky suave type"? I don't think anyone has ever mistaken me for James Bond hehe

Richie Highway
Loony-Bin Lane4
Confusion Lane21
Study Hall58
Tower of Commitment106
Please Drive Carefully

Where are you on the highway of life?


I knew i shouldn't have made that turn on Sanity Lane

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I went ballistic in the office when i found out that the movie version of my favorite musical "RENT" has gotten the greenlight.. i curious how it got past me all this time.. oh well.. with my sked last april, i kinda figured that life would pass me by.. but this is insane! That musical has a very special place in my heart because its what brought me closer to people who ended up being life long friends.. so they better get it right..

I was kinda surprised when i found out it would be directed by Chris Columbus.. first thing i said was " why would they get the director of Harry Potter and Home Alone to do Rent?!??!?" But then i read his interview, and it seems like he is very intent on keeping it loyal to the original.. and his casting choices has proven that.

Taye Diggs will reprise his role as Benny, Wilson Jermaine Heredia will return as Angel, Jesse L. Martin comes back as Tom Collins, Idina Menzel, (also known as Mrs. Diggs)is once again, Maureen, Adam Pascal once again picks up the guitar of Roger, and Anthony Rapp (not Neil Patrick Harris or Joey Fatone as originally speculated)is Roger.

The integral part of Mimi, however, will be played by an actress who has proven her acting skills, but i have no clue about her singing prowess.. but Rosario Dawson will warm up the pole as Mimi..

Wish it was jessica Alba.. dont care if she can sing or not.. but she can sure work that pole hehehehehe

Monday, May 09, 2005

The Adventure Continues...

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The TRAILER IS OUT!!!!!!! go to NOW!!!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire

I've been really excited for the next installment for the Potter series to come out.. so i was really psyched to find out that the trailer is coming out on monday!!

So here's some stuff to tide you all over till the trailer comes out.. enjoy!!

Ron at the Yule Ball

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I dunno about you guys but to me, i think the years have not been kind.. hehe

Victor Krum

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Looks pretty cool.. i dunno though.. i was picturing someone different.. though they did make him look astig


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Not as pretty as i had hoped she would be.. she looks like one of the kids from village of the damned, mixed in with a little olsen twins.. hehe

The Hungarian Horntail

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Looks like a mean mofo

Cedric Diggory

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Hmmm... i was expecting someone prettier.. he kinda looks like the toy He-man of old.. hehe..

The Maze

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Now THAT is awesome..

The Goblet of fire

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Hubba-hubba Hermione

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I gotta remind myself she's only 15 hehehe

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Arrested Development

Long before the advent of Reality shows, Tv shows featuring actors following a pre-written script given instructions by a man called the "Director" ruled the airwaves.(Believe it or not..)

Right now, The best show has got to be Arrested Development.. It's frickin' hilarious! i've gotten through the half of the first season, and i can't wait to finish the last few episodes.. My favorite character is no doubt, Gob, played by Will Arnett.. This guy has come out of nowhere and has stolen the show.. Try watching it when ya can..

I've decided to wait for the complete series of Lost to come out so i can marathon it.. that's another kick ass series that you have to check out if you haven't yet..


Direk will be working on his TV show soon called Askal.. it's gonna be something similar to Alias.. i read the script and it looks good.. lots of twists and turns.. given the fact that Philippine TV is now polluted with "Fanta-seryes", it'll be cool that something edgier will be coming out.. sadly i'm not included in the series.. sniff.. but i'm hoping to join in the brain stormings..

The Plight Of Filipino Television

In all honesty, the only Filipino TV show i watch is Wow Mali and Bitoy's Funniest.. I'm a sucker for candid camera type of shows.. but apart from that, i haven't seen anything that really interests me.. i'll admit that Extra Challenge is the best of the newer reality shows, though i don't follow it regularly.. in fact, i heard two of our talents might be going to Egypt for taping there, which i thought was pretty cool.. but we haven't been producing anything on tv locally thats worth watching..

All the variety shows suck.. (someone should tell GMA 7 that Gabby Eigenmann can't sing for crap, same way someone should tell ABS CBN to keep the mic away from Diether Ocampo.. even for speaking purposes) And those showbiz talk shows just show scandals (hey i'm all for the airing of the newest scandal but sometimes you gotta draw the line somewhere), or they just accuse two people of fighting, and showing them both deny that they fought..

The low point:

i never watched the series "Krystala" but as i was changing channels, i happened to chance on the Heavily hyped "Final Episode".. it was a given that the effects would be mediocre.. and the the writing would be sub par at best..

but the most ridiculous thing was..

there were no sound effects.

yup.. a sci-fi series finale... with no sound effects..

It was obvious that they didn't finish editing on time.. yet it was still aired.. oh well.. from what i heard, not very many people watched it anyway..

oh yeah.. what about pinoy sitcoms?

i got three words for you: "Nye" "Che" and "Cheh"!!...

'Nuff said.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Pray for the Soul of Constantine

I'm guessing a whole lot of girls is gonna be really pissed off when they watch the results of American Idol.. hehehe.. my mom just called to tell me she's gonna boycott the show as well.. i couldn't stop laughing.. this has got to be the weakest top five ever.. that is seriously ridiculous.. i wish people would start voting on talent instead out of sympathy..

*cough cough*ScottSavol*cough cough*
The Finish Line

This weekend will mark the last leg of my mall tours.. last weekend i was in bacolod for the show, and thankfully it was jampacked.. i'm crossing my fingers for the next shows to be full house, but the weird thing is, Bea doesn't pack em in the way Sarah does.. Sarah sold out practically every venue she had a mall show in.. Bea on the other hand.. has only sold out two out of the seven shows.. though the results of the other shows weren't that bad save for one, i think i may have over estimated her popularity.. or underestimated Sarah's..

Either way, Sarah made a believer out of me during our last show.. the girl can sing, PERIOD. Plus she's really down to earth and easy to work with.. she's actually still like a kid.. which is good.. i hope she keeps her feet grounded all through out her career.. cuz she's gonna really go places..

Was weird being in Bacolod for the first time since the workshop of 2000.. lots of good and bad memories.. but nevertheless, i had a nice time..

Since i don't have anymore mall tours scheduled next month, im hoping to be able to take a vacation for the first time since a year and a half of working non-stop..

Key Word: "Hoping"


I know i said i wouldn't watch American Idol anymore but i couldn't help it.. hehe.. i was hoping they'd announce they made a mistake and Anwar was back in with Federov sent to the Ukraine for being such a cornball.. but oh well..

i dont wanna do a review anymore.. but long story short, everyone sucked except for Bo..

My fearless forecast for tomorrow is

Bottom 3:

Constantine Maroulis (believe it)
Anthony Federov (Duh)


Scott Savol...

he's been in the contest for two weeks too long anyway..

Of course legions of girl fans might be able to save Constantine from the bottom three, but honestly, he was the worst of the night.. but take note, that was his first weak performance since the top 12 began..

Hmm.. i could've sworn i said i wouldn't do a review...

Monday, April 25, 2005


I decided to stop watching the so-called "Talent Contest" American Idol after my boy Anwar Robinson got voted off.. i just dont get it.. i'll admit that Anwar hasn't had an outstanding performance since the Top 12 began.. but to have him voted off before Scott "Slobby" Savol AND Anthony "Fruity" Federov? The show is obviously not a showcase of talent, but a popularity contest.. though i'm not worried about the future prospects of Mr. Robinson, (he'll no doubt get a record deal), but still.. it seriously sucks!!!!!!

I'm guessing it'll be between Constantine and Carrie.. but vocally, it should be between Carrie and Bo.. With Carrie most likely winning it all..

Old Boy

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The Korean film OLD BOY by director Chan Wook Park is the most kick ass movie i've seen the within the past two years.. i saw it last september during our brain storming meetings for Pa Siyam.. Direk wanted the reveal to come out in a similar way.. it wasn't really achieved hehe..

It's one of those movies where you'll be thinking about it even days after you've watched it.. its a total mindf*ck.. and at the same time, it's absolutely great..

I heard Brad Pitt watched it during the Cannes film fest and bought the rights on the spot.. and i also heard Russel Crowe is attached to star.. i think he would be genetically perfect for the role, but only if they remain faithful to the original film...

At any rate, do not pass up the chance to watch it..

Out of the five movies nominated for an academy award this year, the only one i haven't watched was Million Dollar Baby.. which is ironic since it's the one that one the award hehe.. the ones i liked best were Finding Neverland and Sideways..

Johnny Depp and Paul Giamatti ruled all


Thursday, April 14, 2005


I never thought i'd say this, but Simon was right when he said Constantine's performance last night of Bohemian Rhapsody was "Astonishing".. that has been his best performance so far.. and the third best performance of the season.. in all honesty, since the top 12 began, Constantine hasn't had a weak performance.. and i'm not just talking about his hair flipping that gets the girls going wild.. i'm talking about his vocals, and his actual performance..

I thought everyone else was just ok.. apart from Constantine, no one really stood out.. After Constantine, Anwar was above average, as was Carrie..

My bottom Three this week has another surprise...

Nadia... Scott... and.......... Bo Bice.

Yep you read that right.. i didn't like Bo's performance at all.. wrong choice of song... but i dunno.. maybe the voters will think otherwise..


After Fantastic Four and Batman Begins, this will be the next comic book movie out..

Ghost Rider has been being worked on for the past years.. and this is the first time anything from the film has been released.. this is Johnny Blaze's Motorcycle.. and i think its the coolest thing ever! hopefully the movie will be cool.. been dissapointed with the recent Marvel flicks (Daredevil,Punisher, Elektra) This one is supposedly starring nick cage.. just not sure about the release date... Keep your fingers crossed!

click on the picture for the larger image!

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Geek Gets The Girl

Ok.. you might find this post a little bit cheezy.. or you might think that i'm on a fishing expedition.. but the truth is.. i'm not. i'm simply telling it like it is..

You see, the people who know me will attest to one thing thats resoundingly clear when my name is mentioned.. i know how to make people laugh. Call it.. a gift if you will.. but i'm good at it, really. i'm not gonna go tell you the one about the rabbi or whatever just to prove it to you.. so i just need you to take my word on it so i could get to my point quicker..

I've made a living on being the "funny one".. "the witty one".. even "the smart one".. but i've never really the "good looking one".. i've gotten a few "cutie" remarks but more in the teddy bear type of sense.. of course i'm fully aware that i am by no means cut from GQ magazine fabric, so it never really bothered me.. except when i was in high school. I remember a beach party i went to where my friends spent the night.. their girlfriends dropped by.. by midnight lights were out.. everyone was making out in every corner of the house, and i was left wading my feet in the pool all by myself.. i don't drink so i couldn't even drown out my miseries..

But a few years later, i got my first serious girlfriend.. She was a very special person.. but i was honestly too young and stupid to handle the situation so it ended kinda badly..

Oh well.. at least i'm not young anymore..

Then i went to manila..

my closest friend here would be my cousin, Raunchy.. and as his nick name suggests, he has gotten it on with a few of the country's finest. Actresses, models, the creme dela creme of society.. This man is Alfie Incarnate. I can remember going out with him and his hot friends on friday night.. then he having to RE-INTRODUCE them to me on saturday night.. and them asking the same intro questions they did the day before.. not to mention them calling me "Archie" all night.. once i was standing right beside Raunchy in the bar.. three girls walked up to him.. he introduces me, and as the flirty banter between them continues, more girls join in and form a ring around Raunchy, and at the same time, leaving me out of it..

I would just take a sip from my drink as i pondered whether i should use my new found invisibility powers for evil, or for the sake of mankind..

Things changed when i shifted courses and met the woman i would call Baby, The most desired girl in our batch. i remember that first moment i saw her walk into the classroom. I remember talking a gulp and uttering the words "wow" under my breath as i watched glide to her seat. I remember how i got a big lump on my throat as she first told me she's falling in love with me. I remember that she taught me what love truly is. And i know she taught me what kind of man i wanted to be.

I still memorized my testimonial for her in friendster..i remember being asked how i knew i was sure i loved her.. and i remember answering "Because she may not be the only girl who made me cry because i was sad.. but she is the only girl that has made me cry because i was happy.." I remember her saying goodbye to me that day under the tree.. I remember when i got the call..

But today is a new day.. This is not what this post is about..

I've worked with lots of people now that i've started in this business.. and something that i gained from it is self confidence.. i realized that i may not be the best looking guy in the world.. i know i'm not blessed with the washboard abs.. but you see.. That's why they don't sell ice cream in just Chocolate or Vanilla.

Sooner or later, someone's gonna come in and look for Butter Pecan.

A year ago, today.. that moment came.. and i've never looked back since.. with that being said, all i can say is..

Happy Anniversary to me :)

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Sunday, April 03, 2005

A Great Man Passed Away Today..

Pope John Paul II

The man is the the epitome of greatness.. after suriving a few health scares through out the past few years.. including being hospitalized twice last month for breathing problems, the 84 year old pontiff sang his final hymn today.. and the outpour has been tremendous.. leaving many stories.. one more heartwarming than the other.. leaving a legacy.. but never.. by any means.. leaving his people behind..

I saw this morning the video clip of the little boy with AIDS.. upon seeing the Pope, the boy, no more than 4 years old.. simply leaped into his arms.. even inadvertedly grabbing his ear whilst holding him tight.. and with that, simple hug.. the boy and his family had their faith renewed.. giving them the strength to help carry on their son's battle with AIDS. The boy died three years later..

The Pope has now returned to the house of the Father, but his spirit shall never die. It will forever live in the hearts of the very people he worked for years to reach out to..

Pope John Paul II

1920 - 2005

Friday, April 01, 2005

You've Gotta be Kidding Me!

I got 1 outta 3 right from the bottom 3 of American Idol.. but the most surprising thing about it was.. i was right about Anwar.. Surely his performance wasn't as good as we all know he can be.. but better than Federov and Scott Savol? You've gotta be kidding me!

My heart was beating really fast when he was in the last two with Jessica, and thankfully, Jessica was the one voted out instead of her.. i never really liked her.. i hated that last shot of her after she sang "Total Eclipse".. feel na feel.. hehe.. No big loss.. Hopefully Anwar learns from this and takes Randy and Simon's advice..

On a Lighter note...

My mom is crazy over Constantine..

I gave her a CD of all his performances so far, and I think i made the biggest mistake of my life.. Constantine is her new Jerry Yan.. but at least now i can understand what he's singing hehe...

I downloaded some of Constantine's performances.. even from Rent.. Not as good as the Original, Adam Pascal.. but still.. i think he did a good job.. The character of Roger fit him well..

Let's see how far those looks can take him in the contest hehe.. The guy can't run his fingers thru his hair without my mom screaming her brains out!

(when i run my fingers thru my hair all i get is dandruff.. go figure..)

You have got to seriously be kidding me

He gets home and does the usual routine of throwing his bag on the table, together with his house and car keys.. grabs his glass of water, and heads on to his room.. He'd been living alone for nearly three months now and has loved every second of it.. He loved his family dearly but he did need his space.. now he had his own fortress of solitude.. He slips the newly bought magazine out of the plastic bag and looks at the cover.. it's one of his bosses talents.. a girl he's worked with on numerous occasions.. he smiles because he is fully aware how badly she's always wanted to be a covergirl for this magazine..

as he flips the pages to look at the pictures (He usually does that before he reads the articles)He stops for a second and feels a slight pinch in his stomach as he stares at the male model posing in all shirtless glory.. page 113..

It's Him. It's Lenny. The Father of her child...

"You've gotta be kidding me" he says to himself.. The song "Always something there to remind me" begins to play in his head.. "i'm over her", he reminds himself.. but he was man enough to admit that it was rather weird seeing him in the magazine.. in a pictorial together with one of their very own talents, too.. he flips the pages again.. a few pages later.. he stops.. "oh you've seriously gotta be kidding me!" he says aloud.. there he was.. Bim.. the supposedly funny man/host who was making a play for her when they were still together.. the @$$Hole..

Kinda frustrated of the start of the trend.. that all these hunks in the magazine seem to somehow be related to her, he tosses the magazine to the side.." And we're done with reading for tonight.." He picks up the remote, and tries to look for something to watch on tv.. "talk about a blow to the ego, huh?", the voice in his head says to him.. "She's dating the hunks in the magazine.. and you're buying the magazine to look at the chicks..." "I read the articles too", he interrupts..

Realizing he has a bit more respect for his collection than that, he picks up the magazine he had thrown.. and stopped when he sees to where the pages opened up to when it landed.. "hey isn't that.." The voice said to him..

Yes it was.. He had dated Lynie a few times when they had just broken up.. she was funny and all.. but.. umm.. she never really meant to be? She had always dreamnt of being an actress, and he was there during her first full nude scene.. she had actually requested him to be there to make her more comfortable.. he thought he he was on candid camera when she said it.. She was hot as hell.. but the thing was, to put it bluntly.. she didn't have much of a brain.

Seriously.. if you sat beside her, it was almost as if you could actually hear the ocean.. She made Homer Simpson look like a nobel prize winner.. but boy did she have a rocket bod.. "Nothing upstairs, but what a staircase" he remembered fondly as he dazed into memory lane.. Of course it didn't really last.. He always knew she wasn't the girl you could take home to mom.. and the pictures in the magazine reaffirmed it..

"Cool.." the voice said, breaking up his trance.. "So i guess you did get your hot chick in the magazine..".. He thought about it for a second.. as if he just realized it as well.. Ego restored, he laid back into bed, Flipped open the magazine and began reading once again, as he says to himself with a slight chuckle....

"You've gotta be kidding me.."

Thursday, March 31, 2005


Sigh.. yet another dissapointing performance by Anwar Robinson.. When i heard he'd be doing an R. Kelly song from the 90's.. i thought it was pretty much made.. but for some reason, from the opening note.. it just sounded.. well.. i hate to go Randy Jackson on ya'll but it sounded "Pitchy".. it really wasn't in tune.. i dont get it.. sigh.. i read in some forums that many feel that Anwar is being a bit too overconfident.. especially after his "What a wonderful world" performance, where he was annointed "Paula's Favorite".. like he could just breeze through the final 12.. i don't know.. i seriously hope not.. All in all... no one really impressed me this week.. Especially after the kick ass episode last week.. Where Carrie's performance of Alone really rocked.. but i do have to admit Constantine is getting much better..

My bottom 3?

Anthony, Scott and.. yes.. Anwar... but i think this could be the end of the road for Anthony Federov.. Sorry but he sings so Baduy.. he sounds so cheesy.. hehe.. Anyways, we'll see later :)

Friday, March 25, 2005

Hey peeps.. check out my dear college friend and truly an amazing human being, LifeCafe

I Hope all is well :)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

As I Sit Here I Must Keep Going On

Finally Holy week break has come.. and after more than a year working non stop.. where does the Richman end up? Back to Antipolo.. *sigh*.. was planning on going on a trip or something.. but the boss put one over me.. just before i could ask if i could take a leave just a little before holy week, he tells me that he's passing some projects over to me because he won't be able to handle it on account of him leaving early for Bohol to go on vacation.. Life..

The Return of the Phlog

Please check out my Phlog when you have time.. uploaded a whole crapload of pics about the year that was.. hehe.. hadn't uploaded anything since september.. and in one day i must've uploaded around 20.. so i'm back with a vengeance.. i'll be uploading more soon..



I still think he'll win... but.. i felt Anwar sucked last night.. what the hell was he doing singing that Chaka Khan song anyway?

It's ok though cuz i think no one sucked more than Mikaela did.. (Bugaboo calls her "Perky Streisand") so she's prolly going home.. i think Carrie and Constantine did great.. Interestingly enough, it seems Constantine has finally come to terms with the fact that he's not really a rocker... he just looks like one and plays one on TV.. So when you make him sing side by side with a true blue rocker like Bo, he sounds rather wimpy.. so it was smart of him to kinda stray away from the more grungy sound he was trying to go for earlier.. speaking of Bo.. he was his usual kick ass self, but his song wasn't really electrifying.. but he delivered nonetheless... Scott did well, but i dunno.. i just don't think he's american idol material.... but Nico was sub par at best.. i didn't like Jessica Siera either.. i absolutely loathed Anthony Federov ( my niece thinks he looks like a blonde Daniel Radcliffe though) .. he sounds.. i dunno.. Baduy...hehe.. Vonzell did much better this time.. but Nadia really sucked too.. horrible choice of song.. A Cyndi Lauper song in a singing contest? you gotta be kidding me! actually i never found her to be that good in the first place.. One thing is for certain though.. save for Carrie... Sharon Galvez would've blown all these girls away!

I Feel that this season is between two people... Bo and Anwar.. with Carrie as the darkhorse (in place of Mario) But The moment i heard Anwar sing "You are the Sunshine Of My Life" i said he'd win... and i'll stick to that.. his rendition of "What a Wonderful World" was the best performance i'd ever seen in American Idol History.. (Tied with Clay's "Bridge over Troubled Water") It was so good that i couldn't resist downloading it hehe.. i'm just waiting for him to explode now that he's in the top 12.. keep your fingers crossed!

Who's your favorite idol?

24: Season 3

After many months.. i was finally able to finish watching the Third Longest Day of Jack Bauer's Life... was kick ass as usual.. however it didn't have the impactful ending 24 usually has.. ended on more of a happy note instead of the usual cliffhanger.. i guess he's gotta have a happy ending sometime...

Happy Holy Week Ya'll


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Sanity Lane

The Call

He was walking around in his office, scrambling from one cubicle to another because of the rapid firing of errands his boss had just unleashed upon him.. then out of nowhere, his cellphone rings..
"I gotta remind myself to change that ring tone", he tells himself as he digs into his pocket to get his phone while the MadCow tone causes the whole office to look his way.. he slyly slips into an empty conference room and as he takes a look at the caller ID.. his heart stops..

its her.

He hadn't heard from her in awhile.. though they no doubt still loved each other, they were both happy now in different relationships.. as painful as it was.. being together just didn't work.. he stopped for a second.. took a deep breath, and answered the call..

"hey..", she said.. with a slight crack in her voice.. that one word.. that voice.. was enough to bring million memories flooding back into his mind.. both good and bad..

"hey", he shot back.. " what's the matter?"

"Nothing", she replied.. but the slight shivver in her voice gave her away.. and he knew her too well.. "Guess what?", she said after a deep sigh which made it obvious she was gathering up her courage to say something..

"What?" , he shot back.. trying to sound as uncaring as he could..

"I'm gonna be a mom! Aren't you happy for me?"

and in that moment, his heart shattered into a million pieces. it was like every nightmare he had coming to life right before his very eyes.. he stood there in silence.. stunned.. with his jaw gaping.. why did it hurt? "I dumped HER.. i shouldn't care..", he thought to himself.. realizing that he was on a cellphone call and the meter was running, he fought through his shock to give a reply..

"A-are you.. Is.. Are you alright?", He said..

her voice was shaking.. he could tell she was putting on her brave face.. he's seen it so many times..

"Im great.. i'm excited!"

He took a deep breath.. so he could ask the question he was trying to avoid..

"And the father..?"

"Lenny is excited as well.. but i'm not so sure of what to do with him.. we're definitely not getting married yet.."

Lenny. 6'2, rippled abs, Cal Carrie's model, Show Band Front Man, Cosmo Hunk of the Month and newest member of one of those hotmen boy band groups, Lenny. If you looked up the Definition of "Complete Opposites" in the dictionary, he and Lenny's picture would be plastered on the page. "At least i'm smarter than him", he thought to himself.. "and funnier.." he smiled smugly. That tinge of annoyance still at the pit of his stomach when he remembered seeing Lenny do his macho dance in ASAP that week.. "You've gotta be kidding me!", he said to himself while watching them dance to Jumbo Hotdog..

He realized one thing though..

"Does your family know?"

Then it all came pouring out.. She knew her biggest obstacle would be her family.. especially her father's side.. She didnt know how to tell her Uncle Mon.. the man who stood by her.. even when her own father threatened to disown her.. she knew it would break her poor uncle's heart..

"I-i'm scared.. that's why i needed to talk to you.."

for the life of him.. he could not understand why of all people, it had to be him she needed to talk to.. but he tried his best nevertheless...

"I dont know what to say.. if you're happy then i guess.. i am too.."

"I guess this is closure, huh? It pretty much shuts the door on us ever getting back together.."

"I guess it does..", He said.. trying to hold his composure.. reminding himself that he was still in the office..

"I Wanted to tell you i love you just one last time", she said through her tears.

"I Love you too", He said without hesitation and his lips trembled.. "and I want you to know that.. because that baby is yours, i will love it the way i have always loved you.. even in silence.. even from afar.."

"Thank you.", she replied.. seemingly shocked by what he said.. "goodbye.."

And just like that, it was over.



Thursday, February 24, 2005

Independence Day

Living alone has been really great.. i'm enjoying every second of it.. It's been alot easier than i thought it would be... of course i have my mom to thank for it.. but still.. after i've been handling everything, it's still been smooth sailing...

i'm actually kinda learning how to cook.. simple stuff.. but its still a far cry from how things used to be for me before.. hehe.. more than anything, i enjoy the peace and quiet.. living with my family wasn't exactly a madhouse.. but i could never get the alone time that i would have liked to have had.. after a long, stressful day, i think its not much to ask.. so its been more than a month, and i'm still alive.. no locking myself outside my house incidents.. hehe..


I celebrated Valentines Day a few days early.. instead of going out on the 14th, we went out on the 11th.. in order to beat the traffic.. had a nice dinner.. (Peking Duck Rules All) and that was pretty much it.. or so she thought.. of course on Valentine's Day itself, i had flowers sent to her house.. and afterwards, i picked her up and we went to my folk's place and had dinner with my family.. it was a TRIPLE celebration cuz it was my brother's birthday that day.. and my mom's the day before.. At my house, i had a box of chocolates waiting for her there too.. which leads to a funny story.. me, my sister's boyfriend and my sister's husband.. all bought the same bought the same type of boxed chocolates for our significant other.. hehe..

Keeping Up

I haven't seen a movie since Kung Fu Hustle... which i thought was hilarious.. i saw Team America on DVD.. i thought it was really funny too.. not award winning but popcorn fun..
Been watching American Idol.. and my bet is Anwar Robinson.. but the rocker in me is also rooting for Bo Bice.. yes, more than Constantine.. Mario Vasquez is pretty good too... although he looks alot like Wilmer Valderama hehe.. no one among the girls stands out the way Fantasia and Kelly Clarkson did.. but i think Linda Cardinale.. i THINK thats her name.. has the best chance.. looks like a great group this year! too bad the pinay girl got booted out.. although one girl.. Melinda Lira looks pinay.. hhmm.. i wonder.. hehe...

Sunday, January 02, 2005

2004: The Year That Was

i actually typed this at the start of the year but never got around to posting it..

This was the year that were i was able to make many of my dreams into Reality. (No pun intended) It came with a heavy price though.. Last January 8 (the day after my birthday), marked one year to the day that, after four years.. the woman i once called "baby", and i parted ways..

i'm not gonna go all Kris Aquino on you and broadcast the highs and lows of my love life, but it really was a roller coaster ride.. it was the second most difficult thing i've ever had to do.. (with the most difficult thing being losing her that first time)

I had a nice, simple Birthday celebration with my family.. i actually had work on that day.. my directorial debut as a mall show director.. all the way at Dasmarinas, Cavite.. i got back home around 9 pm, and i was really happy to see that my family actually prepared a little something for me.. i was thinking that we'd be celebrating the day after, but they really waited up.. i was really so happy..

I have to admit, after she and i broke up, Things have been simpler for me now.. i can focus more on work.. i finally finished work in a movie.. Pa Siyam was a hit.. i was part of the staging of several concerts, and now, i'm currently directing mall shows for Sarah Geronimo and Bea Alonzo.. not exactly where i wanted to go, but i'm a very patient man.. I'll get there..

I finally moved out of my house and got my own place.. My family has been really great about it.. we had a painting party last weekend.. now my place is good to go! kinda weird being alone, but at the same time, i enjoy it..

another nice story coming up.. hehe..

Last Jan 15 i had a mall show in Cebu.. i came back first flight on the 16th, and went straight to another show.. i was kinda frustrated cuz i didn't have time to fix up my place.. and my mom said she was kinda tamad to do it.. so i really didn't know when i'd be able to move in.. so i decided to check out my place first thing the next day before i went to work... it turns out, the whole time i was in cebu, my family.. meaning my mom, ryan, raquel, and my yaya kit.. spent the whole weekend fixing and cleaning up my place! when i got there, it was spotless! i could not believe my eyes! and when i entered, there they were to greet me! apparently they were waiting the day before, but since i couldn't go visit because of my show, they just decided to wake up 5 am in order to get there before me!

*hallmark moment alert*

i really am blessed to have such wonderful people as my family.. they've been really supportive of me and my career.. after the hell i've been through this month.. i just stop and remember them, and i think to myself, "I'm the luckiest guy in the world"

Now about my house... ya'll are invited!!! hehe