Thursday, March 31, 2005


Sigh.. yet another dissapointing performance by Anwar Robinson.. When i heard he'd be doing an R. Kelly song from the 90's.. i thought it was pretty much made.. but for some reason, from the opening note.. it just sounded.. well.. i hate to go Randy Jackson on ya'll but it sounded "Pitchy".. it really wasn't in tune.. i dont get it.. sigh.. i read in some forums that many feel that Anwar is being a bit too overconfident.. especially after his "What a wonderful world" performance, where he was annointed "Paula's Favorite".. like he could just breeze through the final 12.. i don't know.. i seriously hope not.. All in all... no one really impressed me this week.. Especially after the kick ass episode last week.. Where Carrie's performance of Alone really rocked.. but i do have to admit Constantine is getting much better..

My bottom 3?

Anthony, Scott and.. yes.. Anwar... but i think this could be the end of the road for Anthony Federov.. Sorry but he sings so Baduy.. he sounds so cheesy.. hehe.. Anyways, we'll see later :)

Friday, March 25, 2005

Hey peeps.. check out my dear college friend and truly an amazing human being, LifeCafe

I Hope all is well :)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

As I Sit Here I Must Keep Going On

Finally Holy week break has come.. and after more than a year working non stop.. where does the Richman end up? Back to Antipolo.. *sigh*.. was planning on going on a trip or something.. but the boss put one over me.. just before i could ask if i could take a leave just a little before holy week, he tells me that he's passing some projects over to me because he won't be able to handle it on account of him leaving early for Bohol to go on vacation.. Life..

The Return of the Phlog

Please check out my Phlog when you have time.. uploaded a whole crapload of pics about the year that was.. hehe.. hadn't uploaded anything since september.. and in one day i must've uploaded around 20.. so i'm back with a vengeance.. i'll be uploading more soon..



I still think he'll win... but.. i felt Anwar sucked last night.. what the hell was he doing singing that Chaka Khan song anyway?

It's ok though cuz i think no one sucked more than Mikaela did.. (Bugaboo calls her "Perky Streisand") so she's prolly going home.. i think Carrie and Constantine did great.. Interestingly enough, it seems Constantine has finally come to terms with the fact that he's not really a rocker... he just looks like one and plays one on TV.. So when you make him sing side by side with a true blue rocker like Bo, he sounds rather wimpy.. so it was smart of him to kinda stray away from the more grungy sound he was trying to go for earlier.. speaking of Bo.. he was his usual kick ass self, but his song wasn't really electrifying.. but he delivered nonetheless... Scott did well, but i dunno.. i just don't think he's american idol material.... but Nico was sub par at best.. i didn't like Jessica Siera either.. i absolutely loathed Anthony Federov ( my niece thinks he looks like a blonde Daniel Radcliffe though) .. he sounds.. i dunno.. Baduy...hehe.. Vonzell did much better this time.. but Nadia really sucked too.. horrible choice of song.. A Cyndi Lauper song in a singing contest? you gotta be kidding me! actually i never found her to be that good in the first place.. One thing is for certain though.. save for Carrie... Sharon Galvez would've blown all these girls away!

I Feel that this season is between two people... Bo and Anwar.. with Carrie as the darkhorse (in place of Mario) But The moment i heard Anwar sing "You are the Sunshine Of My Life" i said he'd win... and i'll stick to that.. his rendition of "What a Wonderful World" was the best performance i'd ever seen in American Idol History.. (Tied with Clay's "Bridge over Troubled Water") It was so good that i couldn't resist downloading it hehe.. i'm just waiting for him to explode now that he's in the top 12.. keep your fingers crossed!

Who's your favorite idol?

24: Season 3

After many months.. i was finally able to finish watching the Third Longest Day of Jack Bauer's Life... was kick ass as usual.. however it didn't have the impactful ending 24 usually has.. ended on more of a happy note instead of the usual cliffhanger.. i guess he's gotta have a happy ending sometime...

Happy Holy Week Ya'll


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Sanity Lane

The Call

He was walking around in his office, scrambling from one cubicle to another because of the rapid firing of errands his boss had just unleashed upon him.. then out of nowhere, his cellphone rings..
"I gotta remind myself to change that ring tone", he tells himself as he digs into his pocket to get his phone while the MadCow tone causes the whole office to look his way.. he slyly slips into an empty conference room and as he takes a look at the caller ID.. his heart stops..

its her.

He hadn't heard from her in awhile.. though they no doubt still loved each other, they were both happy now in different relationships.. as painful as it was.. being together just didn't work.. he stopped for a second.. took a deep breath, and answered the call..

"hey..", she said.. with a slight crack in her voice.. that one word.. that voice.. was enough to bring million memories flooding back into his mind.. both good and bad..

"hey", he shot back.. " what's the matter?"

"Nothing", she replied.. but the slight shivver in her voice gave her away.. and he knew her too well.. "Guess what?", she said after a deep sigh which made it obvious she was gathering up her courage to say something..

"What?" , he shot back.. trying to sound as uncaring as he could..

"I'm gonna be a mom! Aren't you happy for me?"

and in that moment, his heart shattered into a million pieces. it was like every nightmare he had coming to life right before his very eyes.. he stood there in silence.. stunned.. with his jaw gaping.. why did it hurt? "I dumped HER.. i shouldn't care..", he thought to himself.. realizing that he was on a cellphone call and the meter was running, he fought through his shock to give a reply..

"A-are you.. Is.. Are you alright?", He said..

her voice was shaking.. he could tell she was putting on her brave face.. he's seen it so many times..

"Im great.. i'm excited!"

He took a deep breath.. so he could ask the question he was trying to avoid..

"And the father..?"

"Lenny is excited as well.. but i'm not so sure of what to do with him.. we're definitely not getting married yet.."

Lenny. 6'2, rippled abs, Cal Carrie's model, Show Band Front Man, Cosmo Hunk of the Month and newest member of one of those hotmen boy band groups, Lenny. If you looked up the Definition of "Complete Opposites" in the dictionary, he and Lenny's picture would be plastered on the page. "At least i'm smarter than him", he thought to himself.. "and funnier.." he smiled smugly. That tinge of annoyance still at the pit of his stomach when he remembered seeing Lenny do his macho dance in ASAP that week.. "You've gotta be kidding me!", he said to himself while watching them dance to Jumbo Hotdog..

He realized one thing though..

"Does your family know?"

Then it all came pouring out.. She knew her biggest obstacle would be her family.. especially her father's side.. She didnt know how to tell her Uncle Mon.. the man who stood by her.. even when her own father threatened to disown her.. she knew it would break her poor uncle's heart..

"I-i'm scared.. that's why i needed to talk to you.."

for the life of him.. he could not understand why of all people, it had to be him she needed to talk to.. but he tried his best nevertheless...

"I dont know what to say.. if you're happy then i guess.. i am too.."

"I guess this is closure, huh? It pretty much shuts the door on us ever getting back together.."

"I guess it does..", He said.. trying to hold his composure.. reminding himself that he was still in the office..

"I Wanted to tell you i love you just one last time", she said through her tears.

"I Love you too", He said without hesitation and his lips trembled.. "and I want you to know that.. because that baby is yours, i will love it the way i have always loved you.. even in silence.. even from afar.."

"Thank you.", she replied.. seemingly shocked by what he said.. "goodbye.."

And just like that, it was over.
