Thursday, April 28, 2005

Pray for the Soul of Constantine

I'm guessing a whole lot of girls is gonna be really pissed off when they watch the results of American Idol.. hehehe.. my mom just called to tell me she's gonna boycott the show as well.. i couldn't stop laughing.. this has got to be the weakest top five ever.. that is seriously ridiculous.. i wish people would start voting on talent instead out of sympathy..

*cough cough*ScottSavol*cough cough*
The Finish Line

This weekend will mark the last leg of my mall tours.. last weekend i was in bacolod for the show, and thankfully it was jampacked.. i'm crossing my fingers for the next shows to be full house, but the weird thing is, Bea doesn't pack em in the way Sarah does.. Sarah sold out practically every venue she had a mall show in.. Bea on the other hand.. has only sold out two out of the seven shows.. though the results of the other shows weren't that bad save for one, i think i may have over estimated her popularity.. or underestimated Sarah's..

Either way, Sarah made a believer out of me during our last show.. the girl can sing, PERIOD. Plus she's really down to earth and easy to work with.. she's actually still like a kid.. which is good.. i hope she keeps her feet grounded all through out her career.. cuz she's gonna really go places..

Was weird being in Bacolod for the first time since the workshop of 2000.. lots of good and bad memories.. but nevertheless, i had a nice time..

Since i don't have anymore mall tours scheduled next month, im hoping to be able to take a vacation for the first time since a year and a half of working non-stop..

Key Word: "Hoping"


I know i said i wouldn't watch American Idol anymore but i couldn't help it.. hehe.. i was hoping they'd announce they made a mistake and Anwar was back in with Federov sent to the Ukraine for being such a cornball.. but oh well..

i dont wanna do a review anymore.. but long story short, everyone sucked except for Bo..

My fearless forecast for tomorrow is

Bottom 3:

Constantine Maroulis (believe it)
Anthony Federov (Duh)


Scott Savol...

he's been in the contest for two weeks too long anyway..

Of course legions of girl fans might be able to save Constantine from the bottom three, but honestly, he was the worst of the night.. but take note, that was his first weak performance since the top 12 began..

Hmm.. i could've sworn i said i wouldn't do a review...

Monday, April 25, 2005


I decided to stop watching the so-called "Talent Contest" American Idol after my boy Anwar Robinson got voted off.. i just dont get it.. i'll admit that Anwar hasn't had an outstanding performance since the Top 12 began.. but to have him voted off before Scott "Slobby" Savol AND Anthony "Fruity" Federov? The show is obviously not a showcase of talent, but a popularity contest.. though i'm not worried about the future prospects of Mr. Robinson, (he'll no doubt get a record deal), but still.. it seriously sucks!!!!!!

I'm guessing it'll be between Constantine and Carrie.. but vocally, it should be between Carrie and Bo.. With Carrie most likely winning it all..

Old Boy

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The Korean film OLD BOY by director Chan Wook Park is the most kick ass movie i've seen the within the past two years.. i saw it last september during our brain storming meetings for Pa Siyam.. Direk wanted the reveal to come out in a similar way.. it wasn't really achieved hehe..

It's one of those movies where you'll be thinking about it even days after you've watched it.. its a total mindf*ck.. and at the same time, it's absolutely great..

I heard Brad Pitt watched it during the Cannes film fest and bought the rights on the spot.. and i also heard Russel Crowe is attached to star.. i think he would be genetically perfect for the role, but only if they remain faithful to the original film...

At any rate, do not pass up the chance to watch it..

Out of the five movies nominated for an academy award this year, the only one i haven't watched was Million Dollar Baby.. which is ironic since it's the one that one the award hehe.. the ones i liked best were Finding Neverland and Sideways..

Johnny Depp and Paul Giamatti ruled all


Thursday, April 14, 2005


I never thought i'd say this, but Simon was right when he said Constantine's performance last night of Bohemian Rhapsody was "Astonishing".. that has been his best performance so far.. and the third best performance of the season.. in all honesty, since the top 12 began, Constantine hasn't had a weak performance.. and i'm not just talking about his hair flipping that gets the girls going wild.. i'm talking about his vocals, and his actual performance..

I thought everyone else was just ok.. apart from Constantine, no one really stood out.. After Constantine, Anwar was above average, as was Carrie..

My bottom Three this week has another surprise...

Nadia... Scott... and.......... Bo Bice.

Yep you read that right.. i didn't like Bo's performance at all.. wrong choice of song... but i dunno.. maybe the voters will think otherwise..


After Fantastic Four and Batman Begins, this will be the next comic book movie out..

Ghost Rider has been being worked on for the past years.. and this is the first time anything from the film has been released.. this is Johnny Blaze's Motorcycle.. and i think its the coolest thing ever! hopefully the movie will be cool.. been dissapointed with the recent Marvel flicks (Daredevil,Punisher, Elektra) This one is supposedly starring nick cage.. just not sure about the release date... Keep your fingers crossed!

click on the picture for the larger image!

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The Geek Gets The Girl

Ok.. you might find this post a little bit cheezy.. or you might think that i'm on a fishing expedition.. but the truth is.. i'm not. i'm simply telling it like it is..

You see, the people who know me will attest to one thing thats resoundingly clear when my name is mentioned.. i know how to make people laugh. Call it.. a gift if you will.. but i'm good at it, really. i'm not gonna go tell you the one about the rabbi or whatever just to prove it to you.. so i just need you to take my word on it so i could get to my point quicker..

I've made a living on being the "funny one".. "the witty one".. even "the smart one".. but i've never really the "good looking one".. i've gotten a few "cutie" remarks but more in the teddy bear type of sense.. of course i'm fully aware that i am by no means cut from GQ magazine fabric, so it never really bothered me.. except when i was in high school. I remember a beach party i went to where my friends spent the night.. their girlfriends dropped by.. by midnight lights were out.. everyone was making out in every corner of the house, and i was left wading my feet in the pool all by myself.. i don't drink so i couldn't even drown out my miseries..

But a few years later, i got my first serious girlfriend.. She was a very special person.. but i was honestly too young and stupid to handle the situation so it ended kinda badly..

Oh well.. at least i'm not young anymore..

Then i went to manila..

my closest friend here would be my cousin, Raunchy.. and as his nick name suggests, he has gotten it on with a few of the country's finest. Actresses, models, the creme dela creme of society.. This man is Alfie Incarnate. I can remember going out with him and his hot friends on friday night.. then he having to RE-INTRODUCE them to me on saturday night.. and them asking the same intro questions they did the day before.. not to mention them calling me "Archie" all night.. once i was standing right beside Raunchy in the bar.. three girls walked up to him.. he introduces me, and as the flirty banter between them continues, more girls join in and form a ring around Raunchy, and at the same time, leaving me out of it..

I would just take a sip from my drink as i pondered whether i should use my new found invisibility powers for evil, or for the sake of mankind..

Things changed when i shifted courses and met the woman i would call Baby, The most desired girl in our batch. i remember that first moment i saw her walk into the classroom. I remember talking a gulp and uttering the words "wow" under my breath as i watched glide to her seat. I remember how i got a big lump on my throat as she first told me she's falling in love with me. I remember that she taught me what love truly is. And i know she taught me what kind of man i wanted to be.

I still memorized my testimonial for her in friendster..i remember being asked how i knew i was sure i loved her.. and i remember answering "Because she may not be the only girl who made me cry because i was sad.. but she is the only girl that has made me cry because i was happy.." I remember her saying goodbye to me that day under the tree.. I remember when i got the call..

But today is a new day.. This is not what this post is about..

I've worked with lots of people now that i've started in this business.. and something that i gained from it is self confidence.. i realized that i may not be the best looking guy in the world.. i know i'm not blessed with the washboard abs.. but you see.. That's why they don't sell ice cream in just Chocolate or Vanilla.

Sooner or later, someone's gonna come in and look for Butter Pecan.

A year ago, today.. that moment came.. and i've never looked back since.. with that being said, all i can say is..

Happy Anniversary to me :)

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Sunday, April 03, 2005

A Great Man Passed Away Today..

Pope John Paul II

The man is the the epitome of greatness.. after suriving a few health scares through out the past few years.. including being hospitalized twice last month for breathing problems, the 84 year old pontiff sang his final hymn today.. and the outpour has been tremendous.. leaving many stories.. one more heartwarming than the other.. leaving a legacy.. but never.. by any means.. leaving his people behind..

I saw this morning the video clip of the little boy with AIDS.. upon seeing the Pope, the boy, no more than 4 years old.. simply leaped into his arms.. even inadvertedly grabbing his ear whilst holding him tight.. and with that, simple hug.. the boy and his family had their faith renewed.. giving them the strength to help carry on their son's battle with AIDS. The boy died three years later..

The Pope has now returned to the house of the Father, but his spirit shall never die. It will forever live in the hearts of the very people he worked for years to reach out to..

Pope John Paul II

1920 - 2005

Friday, April 01, 2005

You've Gotta be Kidding Me!

I got 1 outta 3 right from the bottom 3 of American Idol.. but the most surprising thing about it was.. i was right about Anwar.. Surely his performance wasn't as good as we all know he can be.. but better than Federov and Scott Savol? You've gotta be kidding me!

My heart was beating really fast when he was in the last two with Jessica, and thankfully, Jessica was the one voted out instead of her.. i never really liked her.. i hated that last shot of her after she sang "Total Eclipse".. feel na feel.. hehe.. No big loss.. Hopefully Anwar learns from this and takes Randy and Simon's advice..

On a Lighter note...

My mom is crazy over Constantine..

I gave her a CD of all his performances so far, and I think i made the biggest mistake of my life.. Constantine is her new Jerry Yan.. but at least now i can understand what he's singing hehe...

I downloaded some of Constantine's performances.. even from Rent.. Not as good as the Original, Adam Pascal.. but still.. i think he did a good job.. The character of Roger fit him well..

Let's see how far those looks can take him in the contest hehe.. The guy can't run his fingers thru his hair without my mom screaming her brains out!

(when i run my fingers thru my hair all i get is dandruff.. go figure..)

You have got to seriously be kidding me

He gets home and does the usual routine of throwing his bag on the table, together with his house and car keys.. grabs his glass of water, and heads on to his room.. He'd been living alone for nearly three months now and has loved every second of it.. He loved his family dearly but he did need his space.. now he had his own fortress of solitude.. He slips the newly bought magazine out of the plastic bag and looks at the cover.. it's one of his bosses talents.. a girl he's worked with on numerous occasions.. he smiles because he is fully aware how badly she's always wanted to be a covergirl for this magazine..

as he flips the pages to look at the pictures (He usually does that before he reads the articles)He stops for a second and feels a slight pinch in his stomach as he stares at the male model posing in all shirtless glory.. page 113..

It's Him. It's Lenny. The Father of her child...

"You've gotta be kidding me" he says to himself.. The song "Always something there to remind me" begins to play in his head.. "i'm over her", he reminds himself.. but he was man enough to admit that it was rather weird seeing him in the magazine.. in a pictorial together with one of their very own talents, too.. he flips the pages again.. a few pages later.. he stops.. "oh you've seriously gotta be kidding me!" he says aloud.. there he was.. Bim.. the supposedly funny man/host who was making a play for her when they were still together.. the @$$Hole..

Kinda frustrated of the start of the trend.. that all these hunks in the magazine seem to somehow be related to her, he tosses the magazine to the side.." And we're done with reading for tonight.." He picks up the remote, and tries to look for something to watch on tv.. "talk about a blow to the ego, huh?", the voice in his head says to him.. "She's dating the hunks in the magazine.. and you're buying the magazine to look at the chicks..." "I read the articles too", he interrupts..

Realizing he has a bit more respect for his collection than that, he picks up the magazine he had thrown.. and stopped when he sees to where the pages opened up to when it landed.. "hey isn't that.." The voice said to him..

Yes it was.. He had dated Lynie a few times when they had just broken up.. she was funny and all.. but.. umm.. she never really meant to be? She had always dreamnt of being an actress, and he was there during her first full nude scene.. she had actually requested him to be there to make her more comfortable.. he thought he he was on candid camera when she said it.. She was hot as hell.. but the thing was, to put it bluntly.. she didn't have much of a brain.

Seriously.. if you sat beside her, it was almost as if you could actually hear the ocean.. She made Homer Simpson look like a nobel prize winner.. but boy did she have a rocket bod.. "Nothing upstairs, but what a staircase" he remembered fondly as he dazed into memory lane.. Of course it didn't really last.. He always knew she wasn't the girl you could take home to mom.. and the pictures in the magazine reaffirmed it..

"Cool.." the voice said, breaking up his trance.. "So i guess you did get your hot chick in the magazine..".. He thought about it for a second.. as if he just realized it as well.. Ego restored, he laid back into bed, Flipped open the magazine and began reading once again, as he says to himself with a slight chuckle....

"You've gotta be kidding me.."