Friday, May 27, 2005

Gadget of the month

*Disclaimer: Writer tends to gush when really excited about something*

Actually, "Gadget of the next two years".. hehe.. i finally got my phone!

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The Nokia 6680

After having a revolving door for a cellphone for the past few months.. i finally got the phone i've been waiting for! I'm really glad i decided to wait and not get the Nokia 6630 when it came out.. i was thisclose to getting it.. but Miss P from my office.. as she always does... got it before i did.. thus bursting my bubble once again.. (she's done it with the 6600 & 7610)

Since my trusty old Nokia 3650 died in Iloilo (of natural causes), i've been using Nokia models 6610, a 3310, an 8250, a 6150,a 6600 and a 6230.. all were someone elses phone not being used.. i didn't wanna commit to a phone till i found the one i really wanted.. so when i saw the Nokia 6680, i immediately fell in love..

I know i'll be kicking myself cuz i didn't wait for the Nokia N Series to come out, but that'll still be at the end of the year.. luckily for me, my addict subscription was due so i just had to add a little more to get the phone.. and i'm loving it!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

American Idol: Season 4 *YAWN*

It was a shame seeing what started out to be such a promising season of American Idol, turn into a complete snorefest. With the strongest crop of guys ever seen in the competition, it came as a shock that the final 3 left only one guy standing.. with talents such as Bo, Constantine, Anwar, and Mario Vasquez having entered the top 12, and the only standout female being Carrie Underwood, i honestly believed that would be the top 5..

Alas, it was not meant to be.. we all know what happened to Mario, Anwar and Constantine.. and now, you have an American Idol that showed very little.. if any personality.. There is no doubt she could sing.. but in leyman's terms.. "Walang Dating"..

Carrie's performance of "Alone" was one of the top 5 performances of the year.. but after that, no performance of hers blew me away.. not like Bo did practically every show..nevertheless, kudos to her.. she was the first idol to win, without ever reaching the bottom three..

In a poll of readers' favorite American Idol, voters overwhelming selected Bo Bice. He had 62% of the vote, while Underwood received 38% of the vote. About 57,000 readers voted

from his very first rendition of "Drift Away".. Till his landmark acapella performance of "In A Dream"... Bo Bice made sure that, win or lose.. He will be the Idol you will remember.

Sanity Lane Awards Night

Dissapointment of the season

Anwar Robinson- For some reason Mr. Robinson just did not live up to the promise that his first audition showed.. after two great performances in the prelims("Moon River" and "What a Wonderful World") out of three ("What's going on" was just above average).. Anwar did not have a single stand out performance during his tenure in the top 12.. in fact, he's lucky he didn't get cut after his "Ain't Nobody" and "I Believe i can fly" numbers..

Runner Up:

Mario Vasquez quits... I honestly believe he could've won it..

Shocker of the season

What was more shocking.. Constantine getting ousted after his first and only bad performance since the top 12 started.. or Scott Savol wasn't even in the bottom three during that week?

Runner Up:

Anthony Federov outlasted them both. (Miracle voice all right)

Most Annoying Idol Ever

Michaela Gordon's voice was a cross between Fran Drescher and a psycho chipmunk on speed. everytime i heard her talk or sing, i felt like ripping my arm off just so i'd have something to beat her with.

Runner Up:

Scott Savol using his sob story about his mom and dad every chance he could get.. kinda got old after awhile

So anyways... hopefully we'll have a better American Idol season next year.. this one was really.. "Blah"..

i'm currently watching the second season of American Idol.. the one Ruben won.. and finally finished the first season of Arrested Development..

plus i found a place that sells old episodes of Takeshi's Castle.. WITHOUT Anjo Yllana and Smokey Manoloto.. it's so frickin' hilarious! i love that show!

Now THAT'S Entertainment!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

My Angel

Have you ever met a woman who inspires you to love... Until your very essence is filled with her? You inhale her. You taste her.
You see your unborn children in her eyes, and know that your heart has at last found a home.
Your life begins with her, and without her it will surely end.

Happy Birthday My Angel

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Monday, May 16, 2005

My Stupid Mouth

It was the start of the new year, and he had just broken up with his girlfriend of four years on the day after his birthday. after four years of constant fighting, he had finally had enough and for the first time in their relationship, HE initiated the break up. "Me: 1 - She: 1,343", was the count he remembered to himself.. nearly a week had passed since that fateful day of their separation.. and she was still playing hardball.. thinking that he'd be running back to her.. as he always did.. "not this time", he thought to himself.. "this is different"..

He headed off to the bank to cash in some checks he had forgotten to do the week before.. he sat in line at the bank, knowing he'd be in for a long wait.. "Today won't be a good day.." he said.. he hated mondays with a vengeance, but he didn't mind waiting in the bank cuz of Amy,the awfully cute bank teller that just started working there a couple of months ago. Amy didn't look like your typical bank teller.. she was obviously fresh out of college, had braces on, and had that slight mestiza look.. so you couldn't really tell where she was from.. she had a warm, loving smile everytime she saw him.. ok, fine... a "polite" smile.. and maybe it was for all the bank clients.. but still..

"she's fresh out from college.. so am i.. the age gap shouldn't be so big.." he thought to himself with an excited smile on his face.. of course the ever present voice spoke up as it always did, " but i don't think she spent seven years in college, moron.. so the age gap is huge."

of course it didn't really matter.. he's always been "torpe".. he never spoke to amy about anything before cuz of his jealous girlfriend... that one time he DID try speaking to her, he accidentally spat on the check while saying something.. causing the ink to blot his name out, leading to him needing his bosses countersignature before he could encash it..

but this was different.. this was the first time he saw her as a single man.. a "dashing debonaire bachelor".. "Think Cary Grant... Clark Gable.. Robert Redford" He said to himself.." Redford White you mean".. The voice shot back..

Amy then called out his name.. he liked the sound of her voice.. he loved the way he said his name.. had a nice ring to it.. " Are you gonna ask her out?" the voice inquired.. "Yes-no-...maybe? I don't know.. it would seem kinda inappropriate don't ya think?" The voice replied,"Maybe.. but then again, asking for her number isn't really a horrible crime.."

"Exuse me Sir", Amy said in her soft silky voice.. " Can i get your phone number?"

His heart stopped. his throat went dry all of a sudden.

"Say something smooth, man! you can do it!" the voice cheered him on, in obvious disbelief as well... He was by no means a hunk or a stud... a beautiful girl asking for his number was a rarity.. he can't remember the last time a girl asked for a number simply because it never happened before..

he cleared his throat, woke up from his daze and said " oh yeah! sure! definitely! can i get yours too? I've been meaning to ask you for quite sometime but-"

Amy smiled and bit her lip as he rambled on and on.. it looked as if she was trying with all her might not to laugh.. and losing that battle..

"No sir-", she interrupted..." i need to write your phone number at the back of your check.. you need to endorse it before i can encash it" she said with a beaming smile.

"ok... Pants? Meet shit.", the voice says.

"Oh. ooh. ooooohh my god.. i'm sorry!" he said, wishing that it was possible to hide under the counter and never be seen ever again. " I thought.. i was.. i.. " He wisely gave up the function of "speaking" and simply wrote the necessary details on the check and handed it back.. "I'm sorry" he said.. shaking his head.. "This is not a good day",he mutters under his breath..

Amy returned moments later with his money, still with that beaming smile that could turn sand into glass.. "Here you go, Sir... would there be anything else?", she says with a twinkle in her eye

"No.. No thank you.. " he said.. unable to make eye contact.. practically staring at the floor.. he headed out the door.. and as soon as he got out.. he slapped himself on the forehead.. "nice one, Einstein".. "Don't be too hard on yourself.. i misunderstood her as well.." the voice said sympathetically.. "Yeah but don't you see? i should've realized this right away! things like this don't usually happen to me.." "You'll never know man.. you're a single guy now... first time in for years for you to be on the market.."

"Excuse me... Sir...?" a voice rang through the background... That same silky voice.. he turned around.. Lo and behold, it was Amy.. "Oh Hi.. I was just-" he said.. realizing he was ill prepared for this situation.. he did not know what the continuation of that sentence would be...

with a slight giggle, she said " Sir, this is My Calling Card.. feel free to call me if you have any problems..Umm...Sir?"

He could not believe his ears.. "Sorry," he said.. shaking his head trying to wake from the daze.. " she laughed and said " Do you have a card, sir?"

"No.. No i don't.. but.. i'll get your number here and just text you.. how does that sound?" He said in a language that can only be described as half english and half "ummmaa-ummmaaa"...

"Great! I'll be waiting!" She says. As she turns around to go back into the bank, He quickly calls her out.."Amy!" he yells.. she turns around a bit startled.. "Don't call me 'Sir'", he says with a slight laugh.. She turns around again,with an obvious smile on her face leaving him still trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Score one for the smoothie", the voice said..

"Wow", he said with a smile... "Today is a Good Day..."

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Your Icecream Flavour is...
French Vanilla!
You're a smooth and silky suave type! You exude class and you believe in tradition. A classical taste who doesn't like things to be too flashy or showy. Climb the Eiffel tower of taste with a spoonfull of you! Oui Oui!
What is your Icecream Flavour?

Find out at Go Quiz

i'm a "smooth and silky suave type"? I don't think anyone has ever mistaken me for James Bond hehe

Richie Highway
Loony-Bin Lane4
Confusion Lane21
Study Hall58
Tower of Commitment106
Please Drive Carefully

Where are you on the highway of life?


I knew i shouldn't have made that turn on Sanity Lane

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I went ballistic in the office when i found out that the movie version of my favorite musical "RENT" has gotten the greenlight.. i curious how it got past me all this time.. oh well.. with my sked last april, i kinda figured that life would pass me by.. but this is insane! That musical has a very special place in my heart because its what brought me closer to people who ended up being life long friends.. so they better get it right..

I was kinda surprised when i found out it would be directed by Chris Columbus.. first thing i said was " why would they get the director of Harry Potter and Home Alone to do Rent?!??!?" But then i read his interview, and it seems like he is very intent on keeping it loyal to the original.. and his casting choices has proven that.

Taye Diggs will reprise his role as Benny, Wilson Jermaine Heredia will return as Angel, Jesse L. Martin comes back as Tom Collins, Idina Menzel, (also known as Mrs. Diggs)is once again, Maureen, Adam Pascal once again picks up the guitar of Roger, and Anthony Rapp (not Neil Patrick Harris or Joey Fatone as originally speculated)is Roger.

The integral part of Mimi, however, will be played by an actress who has proven her acting skills, but i have no clue about her singing prowess.. but Rosario Dawson will warm up the pole as Mimi..

Wish it was jessica Alba.. dont care if she can sing or not.. but she can sure work that pole hehehehehe

Monday, May 09, 2005

The Adventure Continues...

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The TRAILER IS OUT!!!!!!! go to NOW!!!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire

I've been really excited for the next installment for the Potter series to come out.. so i was really psyched to find out that the trailer is coming out on monday!!

So here's some stuff to tide you all over till the trailer comes out.. enjoy!!

Ron at the Yule Ball

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I dunno about you guys but to me, i think the years have not been kind.. hehe

Victor Krum

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Looks pretty cool.. i dunno though.. i was picturing someone different.. though they did make him look astig


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Not as pretty as i had hoped she would be.. she looks like one of the kids from village of the damned, mixed in with a little olsen twins.. hehe

The Hungarian Horntail

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Looks like a mean mofo

Cedric Diggory

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Hmmm... i was expecting someone prettier.. he kinda looks like the toy He-man of old.. hehe..

The Maze

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Now THAT is awesome..

The Goblet of fire

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Hubba-hubba Hermione

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I gotta remind myself she's only 15 hehehe

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Arrested Development

Long before the advent of Reality shows, Tv shows featuring actors following a pre-written script given instructions by a man called the "Director" ruled the airwaves.(Believe it or not..)

Right now, The best show has got to be Arrested Development.. It's frickin' hilarious! i've gotten through the half of the first season, and i can't wait to finish the last few episodes.. My favorite character is no doubt, Gob, played by Will Arnett.. This guy has come out of nowhere and has stolen the show.. Try watching it when ya can..

I've decided to wait for the complete series of Lost to come out so i can marathon it.. that's another kick ass series that you have to check out if you haven't yet..


Direk will be working on his TV show soon called Askal.. it's gonna be something similar to Alias.. i read the script and it looks good.. lots of twists and turns.. given the fact that Philippine TV is now polluted with "Fanta-seryes", it'll be cool that something edgier will be coming out.. sadly i'm not included in the series.. sniff.. but i'm hoping to join in the brain stormings..

The Plight Of Filipino Television

In all honesty, the only Filipino TV show i watch is Wow Mali and Bitoy's Funniest.. I'm a sucker for candid camera type of shows.. but apart from that, i haven't seen anything that really interests me.. i'll admit that Extra Challenge is the best of the newer reality shows, though i don't follow it regularly.. in fact, i heard two of our talents might be going to Egypt for taping there, which i thought was pretty cool.. but we haven't been producing anything on tv locally thats worth watching..

All the variety shows suck.. (someone should tell GMA 7 that Gabby Eigenmann can't sing for crap, same way someone should tell ABS CBN to keep the mic away from Diether Ocampo.. even for speaking purposes) And those showbiz talk shows just show scandals (hey i'm all for the airing of the newest scandal but sometimes you gotta draw the line somewhere), or they just accuse two people of fighting, and showing them both deny that they fought..

The low point:

i never watched the series "Krystala" but as i was changing channels, i happened to chance on the Heavily hyped "Final Episode".. it was a given that the effects would be mediocre.. and the the writing would be sub par at best..

but the most ridiculous thing was..

there were no sound effects.

yup.. a sci-fi series finale... with no sound effects..

It was obvious that they didn't finish editing on time.. yet it was still aired.. oh well.. from what i heard, not very many people watched it anyway..

oh yeah.. what about pinoy sitcoms?

i got three words for you: "Nye" "Che" and "Cheh"!!...

'Nuff said.