Friday, September 01, 2006



Monday, August 14, 2006


'What will your obituary say?' at

Sorry Paris, honey.... It was just my time.. It was just my time...

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Art Imitates Life

Have you seen the movie "Little Manhattan"? its actually a really nice movie.. really simple story line.. love from the point of view of a 10 year old boy..

its funny how he breaks down a complex topic such as love into something so simple.. that stop to think to yourself, "huh."

The boy.. he fell in love with a girl.. her name was Rosemarie Tolesco.

Watching the move got me thinking..

I had a Rosemarie Tolesco once.

When i was in the third grade.. i met a girl that, as corny as it sounds, i consider my "first love"..

And like Rosemarie.. she wasn't really the prettiest girl in the class.. in fact,she wasnt even the second..

I'd have my sister and cousin interview her and ask her questions.. things like who's her crush.. stuff like that.. (my sis and cousin were in high school at the time, so them talking to her, a 3rd grade student, made her cool by default)

Growing up though, we had this.. i dont know.. unspoken connection.. she knew i liked her.. i think i made it quite obvious though i would, of course, always deny it.. funny thing is we had a love triangle thing going on with my best friend at the time.. he happened to be the class's golden boy.. so imagine that? something right out of a lindsay lohan movie...

li'l old me, competing with the school jock for the love of a simple girl?

Sadly, she left after the sixth grade.. To study in Manila (we were in Cebu)..

I managed to give her a call that summer after she left.. we wanted to meet up.. but because she lived in paranaque, and i lived in antipolo.. not to mention i didnt drive yet.. meeting up became a virtual impossibility.

Years later though, i saw her in her school.. i went to visit a few friends there.. and i couldve sworn it was her.. my friend actually did confirm it.. she looked different though.. maybe it was the cigarette she was holding that did it.. of course i remember her as the sixth grade student.. so the cigarette was a surprise.. hehe.. but she was also sitting on the lap of another guy.. so i quietly left the campus premises with a tinge of disappointment, but also with a smile on my face..

funny how things work out, huh?

A couple of weeks ago.. i think i saw her again..

I was at a commercial shoot, i glanced at the production directory and saw a familiar surname.. but it wasnt the same first name... out from the agency tent she came out.. and she looked familiar.. She looked kinda the same.. was never really drop dead gorgeous but was pretty in her own right.. she din't seem to notice me (women usually dont hehe)eventually when she did see me, i could've sworn she recognized me... it looked almost as if she wanted to say something..

Maybe its good she didn't.. cuz i really wouldn't know what to say back.. Now the project is over.. Will i see her again? i doubt it.. maybe.. maybe not.. no big loss for me..

Its just funny how different things are.. it was nice remembering a much simpler time in my life... And i thought things like this only happen in the movies =)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Well, I'm gonna get out of bed every morning...breathe in and out all day long. Then, after a while I won't have to remind myself to get out of bed every morning and breath in and out....and, then after a while, I won't have to think about how great and perfect I had it once..

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Can i pick em or what?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

You gotta see this movie.. i would be shocked if this was over looked by the Academy for next year

That's what i said about the movie CRASH.. Thankfully, the members of the academy are faithful followers of my blog, and agreed that CRASH was the top movie of the year.. (Ok they dont follow my blog, but they still agreed :P)

I haven't seen Brokeback Mountain.. and honestly i'm not sure i will.. but i'm sure it was well made and a beautiful love story.. but i'm happy that even without the hype, Crash won the top prize..

I am happy for Ang Lee though.. its always nice to see an asian do well in Hollywood..

Even if he's William Hung.. hehe

Development Arrested

I finally got to watch the third and final season of Arrested Development.. I think its a travesty to Television that it was cancelled.. but i do hope that it really does get picked up by the Showtime Channel.. Even upon it's demise, ARRESTED knew how to poke fun at the predicament they were in.. the final episodes focused on the Bluths trying to find a way to come up with funds for their impending trial.. which reflected the way they pleaded to the public to help them not get canned.. It may pay off yet.. if it gets signed on by Showtime.. i'll be keeping my fingers crossed :)

"Joey" on the other hand, is another story.. although the writing was visibly improving just before it got put "on hiatus", it still never lived up to the expectations that NBC had for it.. which is quite sad cuz i was looking forward to seeing the life and times of Joey Tribiani..

I heard a rumour that the cast of "Friends" will get together next year for two, one-hour long episodes, which would bunch the guys together in one episode, and the girls in another. THEN, all three guys MIGHT continue it into a series tentatively titled, "A Guy Thing"...

i have NO idea if this is true but i sure as hell hope it is..

I have seen the first 9 episodes of Lost Season 2, and so far its looking really good..

Gonna start the first 8 episodes of 24 Season 5 soon.. but i wanna marathon it so i've been postponing it till i've got the whole weekend clear..

I found a place that sells AI season 5 so i dont need to record it anymore..

Btw.. last post i said Paris Bennet has the strongest chance to beat Chris Daughtry.. i take it back.. My American Idol Final Four prediction will be Chris Daughtry, Elliot Yamin, Catherine Mcphee, and Mandisa.. the final two will be Chris and one of the girls..

The three young girls.. Paris, Jennifer (is it Jennifer?) and Ayla Brown are all good, but haven't stood out yet.. This is honestly a weak group of guys.. it got even weaker with the elimination of Sway.. I honestly am rooting for Chris and Taylor Hicks, but i dont think the gray haired dude will go all the way.. But he sure is fun to watch :)

Monday, March 06, 2006


Just wanted blabber about a few things... bored.. so sue me..


Chris Daughtry is THE American Idol.. make no mistake about it.. everyone else is just slightly above average.. this guy is the real deal... The only person i think that can give him a run for his money is Paris Bennett.. but she's still not in his league...


I never got the chance to blog this.. but i seriously hated the first Pinoy Big Brother.. Why? simply because its supposed to be show about real people, right? instead it turned out to be a long audition for people who wants to break into showbiz.. everything about it was fake.. they were just hamming it up for the cameras.. and the way ABS CBN force fed it down our throats.. and oh my god don't get me started on the stupid dance they do to a song they ripped off from "The Care". Yes, ladies and gentlemen, last year's "Song of the Year" that sings about how great it is to be a filipino was ripped off from some european new wave band.. quite telling, dont you think? i've heard the song.. its EXACTLY the same.. even the guitar intro.. so for they to say they didn't use that song as a peg is bull.. its like they just extracted the vocals and made the dude from O & L sing it. i never finished an episode of PBB.. it seriously would just put me in a bad mood.. besides, watching a guy cut his toe nails whilst watching his housemate brush her teeth didn't appeal to me.. it wasn't a show about real people.. it was a show about people hoping to break into showbiz or get endorsements after this gig...

Honestly, the celeb edition is more interesting.. simply because we know, and more importantly, THEY know they're already celebs.. so its nice to see a different side to them.. i'm still not hooked though.. but its an improvement from the first...


I finally got to see the movie version of RENT! and being the renthead that i am, i loved it.. of course nothing will ever beat seeing it live.. but it was still a very good transition from stage to the big screen.. the weakest link was Rosario Dawson as Mimi.. she didn't seem very comfortable in her role and her singing, although was adequate, lacked emotion... still.. i loved it!

Oh yeah.. belated happy birthday Anya!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I can't believe that i haven't posted in over 3 months.. here's a post that was left in my drafts during the first week of jan..


2005 was actually a really good year for me.. i managed to achieve the goals i had set at the end of 2004.. i became an events director.. handled TV commercials (just small ones) and did promo work on movies..(yes, thats "PROMO" work for movies.. sicko)

The most impressive accomplishment i made this year was managing to live alone for a whole year without missing a single payment on rent, electricity, water, cell phone, and credit card.. i can imagine i'd be rolling in dough right now had i opted to stay at home, but there's really something liberating about being on your own.. especially when you're supporting yourself..

now i've got loftier goals for the year.. for the past two years i've been caught up on wanting to make money and be on my own that i lost sight of why i joined this business in the first place.. i hope to get started in directing video this year.. and hopefully some day move on to film.. not getting any younger :)

so thats my goal for 2006.. keep your fingers crossed..

I know directing may sound like a long shot for a new year's resolution, but it's a whole of a lot more realistic than "losing weight" hehe