Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I can't believe that i haven't posted in over 3 months.. here's a post that was left in my drafts during the first week of jan..


2005 was actually a really good year for me.. i managed to achieve the goals i had set at the end of 2004.. i became an events director.. handled TV commercials (just small ones) and did promo work on movies..(yes, thats "PROMO" work for movies.. sicko)

The most impressive accomplishment i made this year was managing to live alone for a whole year without missing a single payment on rent, electricity, water, cell phone, and credit card.. i can imagine i'd be rolling in dough right now had i opted to stay at home, but there's really something liberating about being on your own.. especially when you're supporting yourself..

now i've got loftier goals for the year.. for the past two years i've been caught up on wanting to make money and be on my own that i lost sight of why i joined this business in the first place.. i hope to get started in directing video this year.. and hopefully some day move on to film.. not getting any younger :)

so thats my goal for 2006.. keep your fingers crossed..

I know directing may sound like a long shot for a new year's resolution, but it's a whole of a lot more realistic than "losing weight" hehe